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"Besides, this is for efficiency," went on Billy, with an earnest air. "This man owns up that some may think a 2,000 calory ration is altogether too small, and he advises such to begin with 3,000 or even 3,500 graded, of course, according to a man's size, weight, and occupation. But he says one famous man does splendid work on only 1,800 calories, and another on even 1,600.

"The last I heard of this elusive Billy," he resumed, with teasing cheerfulness, "she was running down a certain lost calory that had slipped away from her husband's breakfast, and " Billy wheeled sharply. "Where did you get hold of that?" she demanded. "Oh, I didn't," returned the man, defensively. "I never got hold of it at all.

You've got the efficient housewife racket down pat even to the last calory your husband should be fed; and I'll warrant there isn't a Mary Ellen in Christendom who can find a spot of ignorance on you as big as a pinhead! So we'll call that settled. What you need now is a good rest; and you're going to have it, too. I'm going to have six Mary Ellens here to-morrow morning. Six! Do you hear?

I'm just ready now for the practical application of all my theories." "Nancy Calory Martin is your real name. I don't blame you for hating to give up this tea-room idea. You've dug so deep into the possibilities of it, that you want to go through. I get that." Nancy's eyes widened in satiric admiration. "You could understand almost anything, couldn't you, Billy?" she mocked.

To be sure, Bertram, whatever he found before him during those days, anxiously asked whether he were eating fats, proteins, or carbohydrates; and he worried openly as to the possibility of his meal's producing one calory too much or too little, thus endangering his "balance." Billy alternately laughed and scolded, to the unvarying good nature of her husband.

This unit is the CALORIE, or calory, and it is used to measure foods just as the inch, the yard, the pound, the pint, and the quart are the units used to measure materials and liquids; however, instead of measuring the food itself, it determines its food value, or fuel value. To illustrate what is meant, consider, for instance, 1/2 ounce of sugar and 1/2 ounce of butter.

Hereafter we'll have proteins, fats, and carbohydrates made into calory croquettes, and " "Bertram!" scolded Billy. But Bertram would not be silenced. "Here, just let me take that book," he insisted, dragging the volume from Billy's reluctant fingers. "Now, William, listen. Sounds like an English bill of fare with a new kind of foreign money, but 'tisn't, really, you know.

I never even saw the calory though, for that matter, I don't think I should know one if I did see it! What we feared was, that, in hunting the lost calory, you had lost yourself, and " But Billy would hear no more. With her disdainful nose in the air she walked to the piano. "Come, Mr. Arkwright," she said with dignity. "Let's try this song."