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If, indeed, it could be trusted to the letter, as containing Callista’s answers word for word, it would have a distinctly sacred character, in consequence of our Lord’s words, “It shall be given you in that hour what to speak.” However, we attach no such special value to this document, since it comes to us through heathen notaries, who may not have been accurate reporters; not to say that before we did so we ought to look very carefully into its genuineness.

For an instant tears seemed about to start from Callista’s eyes, but she repressed the emotion, if it were such, and answered with impetuosity, “Your Master! who is your Master? what know I of your Master? what have you ever told me of your Master?

Had it not been for this, one might have fancied that some lurking anxiety about the fate of his nephew might have kept alive the fidget which Callista’s dismal situation gave him, for the philosopher tells us, that pity always has something in it of self; but, under the circumstances, it would be rash judgment to have any such suspicion of his motives.

Callista’s room was very well for a prison; it was on the ground-floor of a house of many stories, close to the Officium of the Triumvirate. Though not any longer under their strict jurisdiction, she was allowed to remain where she had first been lodged.

He considered Callista’s hold on him was the most promising quarter of the horizon; so he came to a resolution to do as little as he could personally, but to hold Agellius’s head, as far as he could, steadily in the direction of that lady, and to see what came of it.

The absence of the Proconsul from Carthage had been the cause of the delay; and then, some investigation was needed to understand the relation of Callista’s seizure to the riot on the one hand, and to the strong act of the military on the other, in quelling it.