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She always called him uncle, since he had taken such an interest in her. She went out as the caller entered, and left the two men talking over a business matter which has nothing to do with our story. It was two o'clock before Adam Adams found himself free once more. He procured a lunch and then took a subway train halfway uptown.

"Oh, yes; a three room suite, sitting-room, boudoir, which I am sure she uses more as a study, a chamber and private bath." Quincy said, "I would prefer to see her in her sitting-room." "Oh, certainly," replied Mr. Cass. "Our rules are only prohibitive in the case of single chambers or alcove suites, when the caller and tenant are of opposite sexes.

Genevieve liked her caller immensely, and she thought over her advice, but she determined to let it make no difference in her plans. She saw her work cut out for her. She would not flinch! She would do her bit in the great cause of women no, of humanity. The flame of her purpose burned steadily and high.

Gray was vexed at the necessity for haste, but he would look forward to meeting the young hero later. "And meanwhile," Roswell, senior, said, warmly, "if we can be of service to you, please feel free to call upon us. I dare say we'd be safe in honoring a small check." He laughed pleasantly and clapped his caller on the back. A fine man, Gray decided as he paused outside the bank.

The latter gazed at his caller curiously over an early edition of the morning paper, as the officer who had opened the door to the inner office, said rather doubtfully. "This guy wants to see you personally, sir; he wouldn't talk to no one else." "All right, Slavin; shut the door, and I'll hear what he has to say. What is it, my man?"

Like the battle of Blenheim, it was a famous victory, but what good came of it at last? The overcoat came home, to be sure, with cap and shoes besides. But she was too gallant to press her advantage. Besides, she still looked for him to take a hint. He did, after his own fashion. "You ought to see Judith here," he laughed to a caller, "practising her kindergarten methods on me."

But, having seen the unexpected guest at the sheriff's side, the bright-haired girl paused for a brief moment of uncertainty upon the threshold, her hands falling to her sides. "Hello, Florrie," Norton was saying quietly. "I have brought a caller for your mother.

"'Tain't no use," snapped Debby, "I can't hear you, you speak so faint. Wait till I get my horn; it's in the settin' room." Phoebe's wonder as to what the "horn" might be was relieved by the widow's appearance, a moment later, with the biggest ear trumpet her caller had ever seen. "There, now!" she said, adjusting the instrument and thrusting the bell-shaped end under the teacher's nose.

Have you talked over the Laird matter with him?" "Yes. He's for Laird." "Stick to Edmonds, Banneker. You can't find a better guide." There was desultory talk until the caller got up to go. As they shook hands, Enderby said: "Has any one been tracking you lately?" "No. Not that I've noticed." "There was a fellow lurking suspiciously outside; heavy-set, dark clothes, soft hat.

She was lonesome she was going to come some evening and have a good, old-time visit. "Of course just let me know when." "Oh" archly "are you busy on certain evenings?" "Sometimes. French lessons; theatre; general odd jobs." "No particular caller?" "No," Mary laughed. "I thought perhaps you know, one time I came in and " "You came one time and found Mr. O'Valley," Mary hastened to add.