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She stood in the doorway surveying with a frown their preoccupied industry. "It seems to me, Cal," she commented, "that even if you haven't any regard for the Sabbath, you might do better than lead those younger than yourself into doing things which might better be left for days which were meant for such things." She swished upstairs before Caleb had a chance to answer.

"I've been away from there some time myself," he added, his uneasy vanity taking fresh alarm at the faint suspicion of patronage on the part of his hostess. "They're doin' well, though; perhaps as well as some others." "And you're not married yet," continued Mrs. Tucker, oblivious of the innuendo. "Ah, Cal," she added archly, "I am afraid you are as fickle as ever.

It was not difficult to recognize that according to his code Cal Bennett had merely played the game as the game was played, carrying out zealously the intentions of his superiors, availing himself of time-honoured methods, wholeheartedly fighting for his own side. Yet there could be no doubt that he had made himself criminally liable.

Happy Jack sent a despairing glance of appeal at the Happy Family; but the Family was very much engaged, down by the stove. Cal Emmett was fanning himself with Mrs. Jarley's poppy-loaded bonnet and refreshing his halting memory of the lecture with sundry promptings from Len Adams who held the book.

"Poor dear Cal!" exclaimed the lady; "he is still madly in love!" "My friends," spoke up Duff Salter, "your father is a very sick man. Let us take him to a chamber and send for his doctor." Mr. Van de Lear had been neglected in this conversation; it was now seen that he was in collapse and deathly pale.

"What does she look like?" "How old is she?" "I never asked her age," replied Chip, his face lighting briefly in a smile. "As to her looks, she isn't cross-eyed, and she isn't four-eyed. That's as much as I noticed." After this bald lie he became busy with his cigarette. "Give me that magazine, Cal. I didn't finish cutting the leaves."

"Is that sort of sheriff the foundation that you lay?" said Calvin Blount, panting, as at length he threw his six-shooter upon the bed. "Let me tell you, then, the law is never going to stand. That's no law for the Delta." Eddring sunk his face between his hands. "Cal," he said, "we've got to begin. This country is being ruined, and perhaps it is partly our own fault.

The business of the company is increasing so rapidly our force can't handle it. I need a big man close to me. If you'll take the place I'll give you a salary that will ultimately be as big as the President gets in the White House. Twenty thousand to start with." Stuart looked at his visitor curiously. "Why do you want me, Cal? There are thousands of lawyers here who would jump at the chance.

She was still convinced of his father's trickery toward her own; but Cal Harris's quiet efficiency and his devotion to Three Bar interests had convinced her, against her will, that he had taken no part in it. "But if you brought me out here to go into that I'm going back." "I didn't," he denied. "But I drifted into it sort of by accident.

And will you tell Edouard to have his man lay out his best evening clothes for me tell him I'll trade him these of my cook's for them and a suit of traveling clothes? "What were you saying, old man?" Cal Davidson asked after a while, musingly, as one awakening.... "Some bird, what?" ... "Because, to-night," I answered, "I am going to marry my fair captive, yon heartless jade, Helena.