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Gordon, with his sad, sad humanism and bitter disappointment, held out his hand and took me with him. The regret of it all was I could never meet them Byron, Thackeray, Dickens, Longfellow, Gordon, Kendall, the men I loved, all were dead; but, blissful thought! Caine, Paterson, and Lawson were still living, breathing human beings two of them actually countrymen, fellow Australians!

"War is hell, and all that, but it has a good deal to recommend it. It wipes out all the small nuisances of peace-time." "Such as !" "Well, Suffragettes, and Futurism, and and " "Bernard Shaw," suggested another voice. "Hall Caine " "Yes, and the Tango, and party politics, and golf-maniacs.

Some time later, John Murray having failed in the meanwhile, an offer was made to Hall Caine, from the Gladstones, of the stewardship of the Seaforth estate at a salary of one hundred and twenty pound a year.

Hall Caine, in whose company it has for years been his custom to take a good-night swim. "Imagine my alarm," young Puttins continued, "when I saw emerging from the surface of the waters, and not five yards away from the person of my revered master, a slender object which I at once recognized as a miniature periscope. I shouted to my companion. In vain. Too late.

Don't know who, sir." "Tot Dennis," answered Blythe, who had cut him down at the same time when I disposed of the boatswain. I mentioned Caine. "Didn't you finish another in the wheelhouse, Jack?" "I didn't. You did." The captain shook his head. "You're wrong about that. Must have been you."

It was a happy time, a time of inspiration; and it may be, from the sympathy between the man and the place, that Hall Caine would have stayed on at Kirk Maughold had not a most imperative letter from Richard Owens, which said that it was deplorable that he should be throwing his life away in such occupations, recalled him to Liverpool.

You may kill your body, or it may die of age or disease, but the life of your soul is not yours to take or keep. Only the High Gods can dispose of that. Who am I that I should abet you in defying their decrees? Here is my refusal of your mad request." He plucked the rose which Caine had touched, held it to his lips and breathed on it.

New York, November 20, 1897. If one may judge by the effect it has produced in arousing a storm of criticism, the book of the year is undoubtedly "The Christian," by Hall Caine. Not only the book of the year, perhaps, but of more years than one cares to count, for of books worth reading or remembering, there has been the fewest number within these latter days.

They guessed Hall Caine and the bicycle and the spoke very quickly, but nobody thought of suggesting the favourite spoke." Myra went to the window again, and came back with the news that it would probably be a fine evening. "Thank you," we all said. "But I wasn't just making conversation. I have an idea." "Silence for Myra's idea." "Well, it's this.

I wouldn't ask for anything better than a turn with these wharf rats if it weren't for the ladies. But with them aboard it's different. Wish I knew when Mr. Caine intends to set the match to the powder." "What's the matter with my going down into the men's quarters and having a look around? I might stumble on some information worth while." He shook his head. "No, thanks. I need my second officer.