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Almost beyond belief, it is said that he approached his wife eighty-seven times during the night, spilling much sperm on the sleeping-bed. Cabrolius was called to see this man in the morning, and found him in a most exhausted condition, but still having the supposed consecutive ejaculations. Exhaustion progressed rapidly, and death soon terminated this erotic crisis.

Plater, Schenck, Cabrolius, the Ephemerides, and Nolleson mention recovery after wounds of the liver. Salmuth and the Ephemerides report questionable instances in which portions of the liver were ejected in violent vomiting. Macpherson describes a wound of the liver occurring in a Hindoo of sixty who had been struck by a spear.

Deguise mentions a man who had coitus 18 times in ten hours with most disastrous effects. Cabrolius speaks of a man who took a potion of aphrodisiac properties, in which, among other things, he put an enormous dose of cantharides. The anticipation of the effect of his dose, that is, the mental influence, in addition to the actual therapeutic effect, greatly distressed and excited him.

Cabrolius, Morgagni, and others have found two spleens in one subject; Cheselden and Fallopius report three; Fantoni mentions four found in one subject; Guy-Patin has seen five, none as large as the ordinary organ; Hollerius, Kerckringius, and others have remarked on multiple spleens.