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Bausch mentions a case in which the omentum, stomach, and pancreas were found in the thoracic cavity, having protruded through an extensive opening in the diaphragm. Muys, Bonnet, Blancard, Schenck, Sennert, Fantoni, and Godefroy record instances in which, after rupture of the diaphragm, the viscera have been found in the thorax; there are many modern cases on record.

"Madonna Romola, you will be weary of standing: Gian Fantoni will be glad to give you a seat in his house. Here is his door close, at hand. Let me open it for you. What! he loves God and the Frate as we do. His house is yours." Romola was accustomed now to be addressed in this fraternal way by ordinary citizens, whose faces were familiar to her from her having seen them constantly in the Duomo.

Between 1830 and 1859 more than 36,000,000 cubic yards of sediment were deposited in the marsh and shoal-water lake of Castiglione alone. See Memoir by Fantoni, in the appendix to Salvagnoli, Rapporto, p. 189.

This very singular production was dated from the Carmelite convent at Naples; was dedicated to the very reverend Sebastian Fantoni, general of the Carmelite order; and, sanctioned by the ecclesiastical authorities, it was published at Naples in 1615, the very year of the first persecution of Galileo. Nor was this the only defence of the Copernican system which issued from the bosom of the Church.

In the illustration, B represents the normal bladder, A and C the supplementary bladders, with D and E their respective points of entrance into B. As will be noticed, the ureters terminate in the supplementary bladders. Fantoni and Malgetti cite instances of quintuple bladders.

Cabrolius, Morgagni, and others have found two spleens in one subject; Cheselden and Fallopius report three; Fantoni mentions four found in one subject; Guy-Patin has seen five, none as large as the ordinary organ; Hollerius, Kerckringius, and others have remarked on multiple spleens.