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If there is no river at hand, a tank is dug for the purpose, which is called umkoi. There are various such umkois in different parts of the district, e.g. near Raliang and Nartiang. A sacrifice of a goat is offered to the god U Syngkai Bamon, and a sow to Ka Ramshandi, both of whom are evil deities. Another sow is sacrificed to Ka Tyrut.

Although the Khasis, unlike the Nagas, the Garos, the wild Was of Burma, the Dayaks of Borneo, and other head-hunting tribes, cannot be said to have indulged in head-hunting in ancient times, as far as we know, merely for the sake of collecting heads as trophies, there seems to be some reference to a custom of head-hunting in a description of the worship of the god u Syngkai Bámon, one of the principal gods of war amongst the Khasis.

U 'rai-shan is cultivated in rotation with the potato, u 'rai-soh and u 'rai-truh are generally cultivated on jhumed land, where they thrive well. The following are the best known varieties: Ka kait khún, ka kait siem, ka kait kulbuit, ka kait bamon, ka kait shyieng.

For people who have died by drowning, or been killed by wild animals, and for women who have died in childbirth, similar pujas are offered, except that a sacrifice to U Syngkai Bamon does not take place. Having collected the seeds, they place them on a bier and perform the service for the dead just in the same way as if a real dead body were to hand.