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And I suppose we both began to feel pretty dismal as the shadows lengthened. But then I thought, 'It won't last long I'll make life brighter for her by-and-by. As we went along and the track seemed endless I got brooding, of course, back into the past. And I feel now, when it's too late, that Mary must have been thinking that way too.

To the end of his days he had the white cloth removed before dessert, and the fruits and the one decanter set out upon polished mahogany. I glanced at him while helping myself to strawberries and cream. He sat nervously folding and refolding the napkin on his knee. By-and-by he spoke, but without looking at me. "I lost my temper this afternoon, and I beg your pardon, my boy."

I was obliged to hide myself and to keep at a distance, for Clement was there all day; but as it grew dusk I ventured nearer, and found out what they were doing, and that they had not found what they were searching for; but I did not know yet what it was they wanted to find." "But they found it!" gasped the girl's father; "did they find it? Come to that." "Yes, they found it by-and-by.

Have ye ever read a wonderful little ballad by Uhland, entitled 'The Minstrel's Curse? If so, recall it for it is typical, not of that which comes by-and-by, but of that which is: the exponent of the beautiful having become in his way an autocrat.

"No, no; don't give way," said Pen, who felt painfully disposed to follow his companion's example. "Get well into the shade and have a few hours' sleep. It will be cooler by-and-by, and we shall get on better after a rest. There, try and go to sleep." "Who's to sleep with a pair of red-hot feet and an empty cupboard? I can't," said Punch.

It was only the poverty of taste shown in being seen in the open High Street of Thorn along with such an oaf as Michael Texel. He had first been my friend, it is true, but then at that time I had not found him out. By-and-by Helene came up the stairs, tripping light as a feather that the wind blows.

Even the laddie kept a stiff face, and for me I forgot my breeks in watching the Governor. He looked as solemn as an archangel, and comes to a halt opposite Umgazi, where he glowers at the old man for maybe three minutes, while we formed up behind him. Their eyes fell before his, and by-and-by their spears dropped to their sides. "The father has come to his children," says he in their own tongue.

By-and-by, when people came to discover the inland brine-pits and salt mines, they transferred to them the familiar name, a wich; and the places where the salt was manufactured came to be known as wych-houses.

Then, by-and-by, came the Over-Lord, and called this name and that; and the last that he called was "Murphy." Here were games indeed! Here was something new to play with; to be skipped and rolled and gambolled in to heart's content; to be even bitten at, and swallowed till forbidden.

"But, papa," expostulated Kate, very much surprised, for the master of Danton Hall was eminently social in his habits, "I should like you to come so much, and the Ponsonbys will be so disappointed." "They'll survive it, my dear, never fear. I prefer staying at home with Grace and Father Francis, who will drop in by-and-by. There, Kate, my dear, don't waste your breath coaxing.