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Sometimes she would place two or three sugar-plums on one number, always naming it aloud "trente-et-un," "douze-premier," "douze- après." It was the oddest game for a small thing not six years old; and there was something odd, too, in her matter-of-fact, business-like air, which amused Graham.

She sat with her hands folded on her waist, turning her kind round face first on Pennie and then on Nancy, who, kneeling on the hearth, was making toast in a business-like serious manner. "How's Mrs Crump?" inquired the latter. "Well, she's rather contrairy in her temper just now, my dear," answered Nurse. "She always is, isn't she?" returned Nancy.

The exhibition was so timely, and the visitors to the church were brought to the spot in such a business-like fashion, to say nothing of the pose and manner of the nun, that one could not but feel that the little tableau was gotten up for the special effect it might have upon strangers.

"Ay, ay, sir," replied the second mate, whose cool, sing-song, business-like tone at such a moment actually tended to inspire a measure of confidence in those around him. Another moment, and the rattling chain caused a tremor through the vessel, which ceased when the anchor touched bottom, and they rode head to wind.

They set about their work in a business-like way; and within sight of the house of their intended victim the mystic caldron begins to boil and bubble. The victim, however, is not to be terrified out of his senses. What are his enemy's fires and incantations to him? He will only just take no notice, and continue to live on as if there was not a sorcerer in the world.

"I would have failed if I had not known where to get the credit for the twenty millions," the banker remarked, quietly. "Yes; but confound it you did know. You only had to ask me. But instead of doing it in a straight, business-like way, you set that horrible fly to buzzing in my ears, that we could make use of the circumstance to compel Patricia to an immediate consent.

Copernicus started, looked nervously about and then stared out of the window northward with a very business-like frown. "Is the' really an' truly a pole there?" Phoebe asked. "Yes," said Droop, shortly. "An' can ye see the meridians jammed together like in the geographies?" asked Rebecca. "No," said Droop, "no, indeed at least, I didn't see any."

"How long have you been here?" Tom was very pale. "Since a little before two. There was a splendid sunrise, only it was rather cold, and I didn't know where I was at first, and I well, I'm glad you're come." "Put on my coat over that. Lean up against my arm so. Don't try to talk," said Tom, in a quick, business-like tone. But Tom was curiously pale.

Not stupid in the ordinary sense he had a business-like brain, and acquired knowledge easily but stupid in the important sense: his whole life was coloured by a contempt of the intellect. That he had a tolerable intellect of his own was not the point: it is in what we value, not in what we have, that the test of us resides. Now, Rickie's intellect was not remarkable.

"We all of us at your age love an image of our own carving. Ah, if only we could be content to worship the white, changeless statute! But we are fools. We pray the gods to give her life, and under our hot kisses she becomes a woman. I also loved when I was your age, Paul. Your countrymen, they are so practical, they know only one kind of love. It is business-like, rich how puts it your poet?