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Uncle John started down the street at a swinging pace, and presently paused before a building upon which was a sign, reading: "Isham, Marvin & Co., Bankers and Brokers." A prosperous looking place, it seemed, with a host of clerks busily working in the various departments. Uncle John walked in, although the uniformed official at the door eyed him suspiciously. "Mr.

The steeples rang out merrily, full chime; High street was gay with streamers; the town-band busily assembling; a host of happy urchins from emancipated schools, were shouting in all manner of keys all manner of gleeful noises: every body seemed a-stir.

The back office in which the old gentleman sat opened out of one of much larger proportions, though equally dull and dingy, full of clerks, old and young, on high stools, busily moving their pens, or rapidly casting up accounts evidence that no idleness was allowed in the establishment.

He was enjoying his meal greatly when he caught sight of a small, striped person busily engaged in doing the very same thing. It was Sandy Chipmunk! And Mr. Crow hurried over to the row where Sandy was looking for corn. "What are you doing here?" Mr. Crow asked angrily. "I might ask you the same question," Sandy answered. "You followed me that's what you did!" Mr. Crow exclaimed.

She drew back as she spoke and busily set about some household office, fearing, apparently, that her fondness had been made too plain. "Do you know what the Captain said?" he remarked in a tone less hearty, moving about the room in a searching discontent. "The old fool!" she answered irrelevantly, anticipating some unpleasantness.

He laid it aside with a sigh; supporting his head on the leathern cushion, he puffed clouds of smoke from his short clay pipe. Close to him, at the small table standing in the niche of the only window which admitted light into the small, dark room, sat a young girl, busily engaged in drawing threads from a large piece of linen, and putting them carefully on the pile of lint on the table.

They worked away as busily as if the world had been torn in two, and they had to sew up the rent with their needles and thread, while their serious faces and deep sighs showed that they were fully aware of the gravity of their employment. It was strange that their mother had not told Bräsig how sadly pale they had grown. The change must have been very gradual for her not to have noticed it.

While we were talking a man came in, and joined rather busily in what was being said, though I could see he was not belonging to the place. He moved his position several times till he was quite close to me, then he whispered: 'Will you stand me a medium, mister? I'm hard set for money this while past. When he had got his medium he began to give me his history.

Here's some good kindling for you in the morning and a basket of cobs," he added tenderly. She received in silence the feed basket he held out to her, and watched him as he kneeled, busily piling up the last of the fagots. "I hope you haven't cut any more of that green oak; your father couldn't keep warm." "This is hickory, dead hickory, with some seasoned oak.

His mother had told him that they would have corn out of their own garden for supper that night, and Eddie was in something of a hurry. He and his mother were great pals. In one corner of the dim little postoffice lobby a man was busily tacking up posters. The whitewashed walls bloomed with them.