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In a word, Harry was too much of a tar not to feel a deep reluctance to turn against his cruise, or his voyage, however much either might be condemned by his judgment, or even by his principles. It was quite nine o'clock when the Senor Montefalderon and Spike returned from burying the dead.

But from in front of me came a small sad yelp, and from behind me a double shriek. "You have done it, now!" cried Dr. Hagg, burying his bald brow in his hands. "You have let in a draught on him; and he is dead." As I walked away from Croydon that night I saw men in black carrying out a coffin that was not of any human shape.

I can promise you good treatment from Colonel Clive." The Frenchman smiled, shrugged, and exclaimed: "Eh bien! La guerre est la guerre!" Remembering Coja Solomon, Desmond asked Toley to search Diggle's body before burying it. But nothing was found, except a little money.

Such would have been my hope such would have been my prayer. But now, how changed! Never in the history of man has so terrific a calamity befallen the race as that which all who look may now behold advancing as a deluge, black with destruction, resistless in might, uprooting our most cherished hopes, engulfing our most precious creed, and burying our highest life in mindless desolation.

It was a hot summer day, and Betty had been running and jumping and skipping and prancing all the morning, so she was now rather tired; and after she had jumped from the piazza-rail into the heap of grass she did not hop up nimbly at once, but lay quite still, burying her face in the sweet-smelling hay and fragrant clover, feeling very comfortable and contented. "Betty! Betty!"

Lane," she said, "I have wronged you. I am very sorry now. I've been sorry ever since I began to think since you last called. I wish you could forgive me. I think it would be better for us both if you could forgive me." He sunk into a chair and burying his face in his hands groaned aloud; then, in bitter soliloquy, said: "O God! I was right I knew I was not deceived.

Atlanta must not lead the South to dream of material prosperity as the touchstone of all success; already the fatal might of this idea is beginning to spread; it is replacing the finer type of Southerner with vulgar money-getters; it is burying the sweeter beauties of Southern life beneath pretence and ostentation.

Do you think I didn't love Dick? Do you think that, if there were any way of refuting the charges, I should be silent? His father knows that it is useless. You will serve Dick best by burying your love in your heart, and saying as little as possible. He died the death of a hero; and as a hero he will be remembered by us, not by his follies.

She deliberately tried to conceal her act, and after removing his head, and burying it, she had thrown the body into the old well. But "murder will out," etc., etc.; and with this and other similar maxims Edith's condemnation was settled by the public mind. Thus Edith was in prison, held there under a terrible charge, for which there was proof that was appalling in its character.

Though nearly crazed by this catastrophe they knew that their own lives were in hourly peril, and they wished to live until they could punish the savages for this crime. After burying the bodies, they started east across the hills, leaving a letter on birch bark in a cleft stick at the mouth of Chartiers creek, in which the tragedy was recounted. This letter was afterward found by trappers.