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"If," says his Ludship, fresh from a Criminal Court, "he had been committing, a burglary, and was getting off with the loot in the one-horse O'Shay, he could not have taken fuller precautions to evade pursuit." At first some doubt as to truth of story. Been rumoured often before. Then comes, in special edition of evening paper, the detail: "The ceremony being concluded, Mr. and Mrs.

That had been shown by the recent robbery at the Princess de Harn's house. The ignoble gang that had been arrested for that affair had given the apostles of the Anarchist doctrine as their references! And that was what the application of Anarchist theories resulted in burglary and filth, pending a favourable hour for wholesale pillage and murder!

An old Jew, who was likewise drinking tea at a Moorish table, had engaged him in conversation and was relating the history of a burglary in which he had lost from his flat in Bolton Street, Piccadilly, nineteen gold cigarette-cases and thirty-seven jewelled scarf-pins, tokens of esteem and regard offered to him by friends and colleagues at various crises of his life.

"The centuries of education and belief that lie behind you compel you to protest. All the same, however, when people won't make restoration, things must be taken from them. What worries me is that Bergaz should have sold himself just now. The public prosecutor will use that farcical burglary as a crushing argument when he asks the jury for Salvat's head."

Weiss said, "and to find our way somehow or other into the interior of the coffer where these papers are." "And supposing I tell you," she answered calmly, "that I shall not permit a second burglary in this room within twenty-four hours?" Higgins came forward. "Miss Virginia," he said, "pardon me, Miss Longworth, you look like a sensible young woman. I believe you are. Consider our position.

But then, when the man commits burglary in order to break images which are not his own, that brings it away from the doctor and on to the policeman." Holmes sat up again. "Burglary! This is more interesting. Let me hear the details." Lestrade took out his official note-book and refreshed his memory from its pages. "The first case reported was four days ago," said he.

And the love of music was Peace's constant solace. Whatever treasures he might discard in a hurried flight, he never left a fiddle behind, and so vast became his pilfered collection that he had to borrow an empty room in a friend's house for its better disposal. Moreover, he had a fervent pride in his craft; and you might deduce from his performance the whole theory and practice of burglary.

Ordered to be transported for fourteen years. Thomas Maddison, convicted at the same Assizes of burglary. Ordered to be transported for seven years. James Donnington, convicted at the same Assizes of stealing a lamb. Ordered to be transported for seven years. Samuel Brown, convicted at the same Assizes of stealing a mare. Ordered to be transported for the term of his natural life.

Our house is a full mile from the place." In another entry Sewall tells of brazen women jumping up on the cart with a condemned man. A note was appended by Dr. Ephraim Eliot to the last page of a sermon delivered by his father, Dr. Andrew Eliot, on the Sunday before the execution of Levi Ames, who was hung for burglary October 21, 1773.

"And I can talk pretty freely to you?" "I see your drift you think Lem Wacker had a hand in this burglary?" "I certainly do." "Well, I'll say that I don't think he's beyond it," observed the watchman. "You'll find, though, he only had a hand in it. His way is generally using someone else for a cat's-paw."