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"I don't suppose you would think that, Millicent, if a burglar, who had taken one shot at you and was about to finish you with another, was cut short in the operation by a shot from my pistol. I believe that your relief and thankfulness would be so great that the idea that it was a shocking thing for me to do would not as much as enter your head."

Lisle would go to the yard behind the house, which was common to two or three besides No. 13, and with one foot on a projecting bit of brick-work could get his hand on the sill and make his signal. "Some day the police'll take you for a burglar," said Lydia encouragingly. "Well, go and enjoy yourself." "It is a shame to keep you up so long, isn't it? What do you do all the time, eh, Lydia?"

"But I shall be found with you, and the stupid police will swear I am an accomplice." She wrung her hands. "But no jewels will be found upon us," I argued half-heartedly. "They will say we have already disposed of them." "But the real burglar " "They will say that he came into the cellar at our bidding." This girl was terribly reasonable and direct. "Hang it!

"That isn't likely," Hewitt replied. "An ordinary burglar, ignorant of its value, wouldn't have gone straight to the cameo and have taken it in preference to many other things of more apparent worth, which must be lying near in such a place as Claridge's." "True I suppose he wouldn't.

When Marilla went out that evening to bring the cows from the back pasture, Matthew, who had been hanging about the barns and watching, slipped into the house with the air of a burglar and crept upstairs.

He was not thinking of the gentle old man cruelly done to death or of the pretty Barbara prostrate with grief. He was overawed by the curious fatality that had plucked him from the horrors of Flanders only to plunge him into a tragedy at home. "Yes," said the Chief bluntly, "by a burglar apparently the house was ransacked!" "Chief," he broke out, "you must explain. I'm all at sea!

I'm sorry." "I didn't know who it was." She stared at him with dilated eyes. "I was sitting in there, and Olga barked so loudly that I thought " "Thought I was a burglar!" He kissed her very kindly. "Well, I'm not. But I've come back for a bit ... yes, put them down there, will you?"

"There are my books, which are of great value to me." "But not to a thief. Anything else?" "Yes; I have a tin box containing four thousand dollars in government bonds." "Coupon or registered?" "Coupon." "Nothing could be better for a burglar. What on earth could induce you to keep the bonds in your own safe?" "To tell the truth, I considered them quite as safe there as in the bank.

The only use of locks is to keep out sneak-thieves and compel the modern scientific educated burglar to make a noise. But making a noise isn't enough here, at night. This place with all its fabulous treasures must be guarded constantly, now, every hour, as if the front door were wide open."

Sackett stood with our friend Thompson, better known in the Antipodes as Jackwell, the burglar. As I watched him standing there pointing to us, I thought of poor Jim. "Wheel down," I heard Trunnell bawl as the ship came within fifty fathom. "Slack away that lee brace; steady your wheel." Before the ship's headway had slackened we had out the oars and were rowing for her.