United States or French Guiana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was made the duty of the officers and agents of the Bureau to take jurisdiction of and to hear and determine all cases, in which by local law discrimination was made against the freedmen. This was to be done under such rules and regulations as the President, through the Commissioner, might prescribe.

With a swift movement Polly Ann dropped the doll back into the box, and picked up the other one. The next moment the brown delaine dress was rubbing elbows with a richly bound book and a Duchesse lace collar in the middle bureau drawer. Polly Ann cocked her head to one side and debated; did she dare ask Aunt Margaret to make the change? With a slow shake of her head she owned that she did not.

The Colonel tore it open and read it, his face growing grave. Then he handed it to Woodward, who read: WASHINGTON, D. C. Radio station using illegal wave length in your vicinity. Investigate and report. Radio Bureau. Professor Arnold shook his head slowly, as he handed the telegram back. "There's a wireless apparatus of my own on my yacht," he remarked slowly.

Three days after Twelfth Night, having paid a visit to the casino of Muran for the purpose of placing some gold in M M 's bureau, the door-keeper handed me a letter from my nun. Laura had, a few minutes before, delivered me one from C C .

Ah, here is my coat they passed that over! And here is money on the table, thank God! And here's the I O U... I'll take the money and go and take another lodging. They won't find me!... Yes, but the address bureau? They'll find me, Razumihin will find me. Better escape altogether... far away... to America, and let them do their worst!

I lost them off into the soup, the first night at dinner, and I bought my spectacles early the next morning; but perhaps I can keep them on now." "I should think you ought to; your nose is large enough," remarked Allie, with calm disrespect. "But get them; I can tell better when I see them." There was an interval of silence, while Charlie rummaged in his bureau drawers.

She too, his good, affectionate Sara, had been plain, solid, a trifle squat. Perhaps that was why the poor woman had clung so obstinately to the one thing in the otherwise perfect house that was quite out of place there. Ah, well! she is gone now, the good creature. And the bureau no, the bureau shall remain.

Knowing that the false key would be placed in his hands that evening, how was he to open Mr. Blyth's bureau without risking discovery by the owner, or by some other person in the house? To this important question he had as yet found no better answer than was involved in the words he had just whispered to himself, while preparing for his morning ablutions.

Be it remembered also that many of these "illiterates" can read the Bible in their own tongue and can make written communication with one another in the same very scornful as the officials of the bureau have been about such attainment.

This blatant demagogue, whom Lenine called "the Russian Bebel," was proposed for membership in the International Socialist Bureau, the supreme council of the International Socialist movement, and would have been sent as a delegate to that body as a representative of Russian Socialist movement but for the discovery of the fact that he was a secret agent of the Czar's government!