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"Say that you forgive me," pleaded the officer, catching her hands. "Yes, yes, anything; only go!" besought Janice, as a second laugh from the dining-room warned her anew of the peril. Jack stooped and kissed each hand in turn, but even as he did so one of the officers in the next room bawled: "Here 's a toast to Leftenant Hennion and his bride, hip, hip, hip, bumpers!"

After the excitement of the dance had abated, the concluding phase of all such orgies came in its inevitable sequence, and they began to drink great bumpers to each other's health. After all had been pledged, the judge proposed a toast to the "gypsy bride." The tongue of the quack was loosened in an instant and he poured forth an extravagant eulogy of her beauty and her devotion.

He had just climbed down from a high car, and was swinging from it to an empty coal car, when the jerk of starting ran through the line of cars. So unexpected was this action, that Bob's feet slipped off the bumpers.

He visited Stowe; he shook hands with George Grenville; and the Whig freeholders of Buckinghamshire, at their public dinners, drank many bumpers to the union of the three brothers. In opinions, Chatham was much nearer to the Rockinghams than to his own relatives. But between him and the Rockinghams there was a gulf not easily to be passed.

Mr. Barr-Smith returned to London soon, giving a parting luncheon in his rooms, where wine flowed freely, and toasts of many colors were pushed into the atmosphere. There was one to the President and the Queen, proposed by the host and drunk in bumpers, and others to Mr. Barr-Smith, his brother, and the members of the "Syndicate." The enthusiasm grew steadily in intensity as the affair progressed.

I give you, Mistress Clorinda Wildairs Mistress Clorinda, the enslaver of six years old bumpers, lads! bumpers!"

I impute it, though, to their naturally unctuous natures, being rendered still more unctuous by the nature of their vocation, and especially by their pursuing their game in those frigid Polar Seas, on the very coasts of that Esquimaux country where the convivial natives pledge each other in bumpers of train oil. The quantity of the beer, too, is very large, 10,800 barrels.

As evening drawed on they sent for some more themselves; rum, by all account. It got later and later, and they got more and more fuddled, till at last they went a-putting their rum-bottle and rummers upon the communion table, and drawed up a trestle or two, and sate round comfortable and poured out again right hearty bumpers.

I waited a few seconds, then crept to the left-hand door and tried it. It was not yet latched. I opened it, dropped to the ground, and closed it behind me. Then I passed across the bumpers to the other side of the train. I opened the door the shack had latched, climbed in, and closed it behind me. Both exits were available again. The gay-cat was still asleep. The train got under way.

Griggson poured out bumpers in the four glasses. "I shall now shoot like your friend from Liverpool," said Antony, "and if I kill your husband and most of the guests I cannot be blamed for it," and he drank down the hock. "Don't be so foolish," I said, laughing, in spite of having pretended to be annoyed with him.