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They gazed at Bonnie sort of awed and impressed, like tourists starin' at the Woolworth Buildin' when it's lighted up. Some classy dinner that was we had, even if I did order it myself, with only two waiters to coach me. I couldn't say exactly what it was we had for nourishment, only I know it was all tasty and expensive.

Part on't is a sort of a harbor for their air-ships to light in. They say they need a still harbor away from boisterous winds jest as much as water ships do. This is the first Air-Ship harbor ever built. Josiah said it wuz the humbliest buildin' on the Fair ground, and it wuzn't a beauty so fur as architecture goes. But I sez, "Handsome is as handsome duz!

He was tellin' me about the great railroad he had been buildin', and he relates what he calls a comic incident about a fool Irishman he inveigled from New Orleans to sling a pick on his little morgue of a narrow-gauge line. 'Twas sorrowful to hear the little, dirty general tell the opprobrious story of how he put salt upon the tail of that reckless and silly bird, Clancy.

Luke Building and finds yer 'ere, when you 'aven't 'ad time " Maitland woke up. "What's that?" he questioned sharply. "You left me where ten minutes ?" "St. Luke Buildin', corner Broadway an' ." "I know it," excited, "but " " 'avin' took yer there with the young lady " "Young lady!" " that comes outer the 'ouse with yer, sir " "The devil!"

They became quite pals, these two perhaps two as lonely men as you could find in all lonely New York. "I guess you ain't a New Yorker, huh?" Mike said. "Me? No." "Th' most of the folks in th' buildin' ain't." "Ain't!" Hosea Brewster was startled into it. "They're artists, aren't they? Most of 'em?" "No! Out-of-town folks, like you. West, East an' Californy, an' around there. Livin' here, though.

Thar's room in the house, an' the stable, which you can't see 'cause uv the trees, fur all the officers, an' they're buildin' lean-tos here to protect the soldiers an' the hosses. A lot uv the fellers hev brought forage down on thar own hosses fur yourn." "Mr. Reed," said the colonel, gratefully, "you and your men are true friends. But there's no danger of an ambush here?"

Plenty of roofs in sight, from five to ten stories lower than the Corrugated buildin', but no mashie maniac in evidence. And while they're scoutin' around I takes another squint at the ball. "Say, Mr. Ellins," I calls out, "if it was shot from a roof how do you dope out this grass stain on it?" "Eh?" says Old Hickory. "Grass stain! Must be an old one.

And the first old cotton-gin and mower up to the finished machines of to-day. Outside this buildin', directly on the lagoon, wuz exhibits of gates, fences, and all sorts of wind-mills, from the picteresque old Dutch mills up to the ones of eighteen hundred and ninety-three. And engines, portable and traction ones.

"And then that temple there in Chicago, dreamed out and built by a woman the nicest office buildin' in the world! jest think of that in the World. And a woman to the bottom of it, and to the top too. Why," sez Arville, "I wouldn't miss the chance of seein' wimmen swing right out, and act as if their souls wuz their own, not for the mines of Golconda."

Sure, I was carryin' the banner. But say, I ain't one of them kids that gets callouses on the hands doin' it. When I'm handed the fresh air on payday, I don't choke to death over it. I goes out and rustles for another job. And I takes my pick, too. Why not? It's just as easy. This time I gets a bug that the new Octopus Buildin' might have been put up special for me.