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Sometimes in Texas or Mexico. I seen the day when they did." The young man lazily crossed his legs. "Nice and cool here," he remarked presently. "Been in town long?" asked Sweeney. "No, only a few days." "I was goin' to say there's a good show over on Spring Street movin'-pictures of the best ridin' and buckin' and ropin' I seen yet." "Yes?

"Bandy, your eyes are pore," replied another. "Yep, she's comin'," said another. "'Bout time, for I haven't two- bits to my name." "Boys, no buckin' the tiger for me to-day," declared Bandy. He was laughed at by all except one quiet comrade who gazed thoughtfully eastward, back over the vast and rolling country.

I warn't made for buckin' against the world this way.... If we had old Dan with us.... Funny that you know Dan.... He'd have a million ideas for gettin' out of this fix. But I'm glad he's not here. He'd bawl me out so, for not havin' made good. He's a powerful ambitious kid, is Dan." "But it's not the sort of thing a man can make good in, Al," said Andrews slowly. They were silent.

But if you say you're runnin' things, that makes it a whole lot different. We ain't buckin' 'Drag' Harlan's game." "Thank you," grinned Harlan. "I saw you reportin' to Miss Morgan. You're straw-boss, I reckon." "You've hit it. I'm Stroud Lafe Stroud." "You'll keep on bein' straw-boss," said Harlan, shortly. "I'm appointin' a foreman." "Where's Lawson?" It was Stroud who spoke.

Then he jest nach'lly dozes off an' the boys thinks he's spliflicated an' takes him down to the hotel an' puts him to bed, an' before he wakes up I'll have the buckin' contest, an' the ropin' contest, an' most of the rest of it in my war-bag.

But de real prima facie place for gents who go for buckin' agin de tiger and straight-out gamblin' is de 'Arcade." "Drive there like thunder!" said Uncle Billy, leaping into the carriage. True to his word, Uncle Billy was at his partner's shanty early the next morning.

I chews that over a minute, and runs my fingers thoughtful through my red thatch. "Nope," says I. "If I was any such prize guesser as that, I'd be down in Wall Street buckin' the market. Maybe after Sunday, though, I might make a report one way or the other." "Ah! You scent a crisis, do you?" says he.

The R. S. P. mine was run rather irregular. The boys took the clean-ups for wages, and the owner took the proceeds from stock he sold as dividends. I may mention there was less in clean-ups than there was in stock, so the future Mrs. P. Douglass was buckin' fate in the shape of a brace game.

"Guess I'll be gittin' back where they's a lot of folks around," he muttered as he mounted his horse. "I got to try an' figger out if he knows it was me got Cinnabar to dope his booze. An' if he does " The man's face turned just a shade paler beneath the tan "I got to lay off this here buckin' contest. I hain't got the guts to tackle it."

They had gone a good two miles before Mary’s patroness broke the silence with, "Nothing plumb stampedes my temper like that Rodney outfitold Sally buckin’ an’ pitchin’ in her rockin’-chair same as if she was breakin’ a bronco, an’ that Eudory always corallin’, deceivin’, and jiltin’ one outfit of men after another.