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"Now, one mule can cause a heap of tribulation, and six mules can break a man's heart, but there wasn't no excuse for that driver to stand up on his hind legs, close his eyes, and throw thirty foot of lash into that plunging buckin', white-eyed mess.

They're buckin' against my way of handlin' 'em. And 'specially because I concludes to hit the brush while Sam Kinney is ridin' the line. I saves 'em from bein' shot or sent up on a state contract, and they up and says I'm no good." "It ain't so much that," explained Cactus, "as it is they're plum locoed about Piggy.

Deely made a motion like a swoop of an aeroplane to earth "and here he is buckin' about like a rough-neck same as you and me; but yet a gent, a swell, a cream della cream, that's turned his back on a lady a lady not his own wife, that's my sure and sacred belief." "You certainly have got women on the brain," retorted Sibley. "I ain't ever seen such a man as you.

He didn't tell you that." "Is he was he really a cowboy? Can he ride?" asked Louise. "Can he ride? Say, I seen him ride Cyclone once and get first money for ridin' the worst buckin' bronc' at the rodeo, over to Tucson. Well, I guess!" "Boyar, my pony, is the fastest pony in the hills," said Louise pensively. "What you givin' us?" said the boy, glancing at her sharply. "Nothing.

"He can't get out of the paddick," drawled the youth. "Let's go up to the house, and get one of the boys to run him in. He had a go-in this morning with me the bit came out of his mouth somehow, and he did get to work proper. He went round and round the paddick at home, with me on him, buckin' like a brumby. Binjie had to come out with another horse and run me back into the yard.

"'It's evident, I says, 'that you never hears of Mollie Hines. "'No, never once, he replies; 'is this yere Miss Hines a poet? "Is Mollie Hines a poet! I repeats, for my scorn at the mere idee kind o' stiffens its knees an' takes to buckin' some.

"He never did like a left-handed man," said Williams gravely. "Next time get on him from the other side, and see if he don't behave. Hold on; don't be in a hurry. Let him throw a few more jumps, then he'll quit for to-day most likely. And say, son, if he does take to buckin' with you again, don't choke that saddle to death hangin' on to the horn.

Buffle looked sheepish, and shook himself. "That feller can outhug a grizzly," said he. "Boys," he continued, "that chap's been buckin' agin luck sence he's been in the diggin's, an' is clean busted.

Well, this ole beggar he's buckin' up to Miss King, the governess, an' Moriarty, the storekeeper, he's buckin' up to her too" "Clever feller, that Moriarty," interposed Price, in pathetic sycophancy. Ain't he, Mosey?" He paused and laughed heartily.

I never yit objected in particular ter no fair fight, not o' any kind, free fer all, or stan' up, but I ain't used ter buckin' agin the law nohow, an' someway thet seems ter be 'bout what we 're up agin this trip. Beats hell the way things turned out, don't it?" Winston nodded without opening his lips.