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If you do not know them, how does it happen that you have summoned them for such duties?" Buchez et Roux, XXX., 435. "The prisons," says Le Bon, "overflowed at Saint-Pol. I was there and released two hundred persons. Well, in spite of my orders, several were put back by the committee of Surveillance, authorised by Lebas, a friend of Darthe.

He had also gathered from Chateaubriand what he remembered; and Thierry, who was blind, caused his book to be read to him twice over. The account of Marat in the 28th volume of Buchez was partly written by Villiaumé, and was approved by Albertine Marat. The great bibliographical curiosity in the literature of the Revolution is Marat's newspaper.

He would have considered himself dishonoured if he had said "Charlemagne" and not "Karl the Great," "Clovis" in place of "Clodowig." Nevertheless he was beguiled by Genoude, deeming it a clever thing to join together both ends of French history, so that the middle period becomes rubbish; and, in order to ease their minds about it, they took up the collection of Buchez and Roux.

The people would then see that they had committed a misdemeanor and would withdraw that sort of respect in which they hold them." Buchez et Roux, XXX., 26. Report by Saint-Just, February 26, 1794, and decree in accordance therewith, unanimously adopted. See, in particular, article 2. "The Convention has declared that prisoners must prove that they were patriots from the 1st of May 1789. Cf.

After "gulping" down the six volumes of Buchez and Roux, he declares: "The clearest thing I got out of them is an immense disgust for the French.... Not a liberal idea which has not been unpopular, not a just thing that has not caused scandal, not a great man who has not been mobbed or knifed.

At Annecy the women have cut down the liberty pole and burnt the archives of the club and commune. Rehabilitation of Bordier and Jourdain, hung in August, 1789. Cf. "Archives des Affaires etrangeres," vol. 331. Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 494. Ibid., XXX., 386.

Many of them have destroyed all the plantations, all the enclosures and even the fruit trees." Felix Rocquam, ibid., 116. But no advances, based on any lasting state of things, can be made." Ibid., 236. These partitions were numerous. "But this is an exceptional year. Buchez et Roux, XX., 416. There is the most frightful distress in our mountains.

De Tocqueville, "L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution," 166. "The Revolution," vol. I., p. 116. Buchez et Roux, I., 481. The list of notables convoked by the King in 1787 gives an approximate idea of this social staff.

Garat, 309: "After the 20th of June everybody made mischief at the chateau; the power of which was daily increasing. Danton arranged the 10th of August and the chateau was thunderstruck." Robinet: "Le Proces des Dantonistes," 224, 229. "He was present for a moment on the committee of Public Safety. III., ch. I.-Buchez et Roux, XXV., 285.

David took up his packet, and was getting ready to leave, when the governor of the jail, who seemed to be keeping watch over him, suddenly came up and said quickly, "Stay, M. David, stay." One morning he saw Buchez, the ex-President of the Constituent Assembly, coming into his cell "Ah!" said David, "good! you have come to visit the prisoners?" "I am a prisoner," said Buchez.