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Hadn't the slightest intention to affront anybody, upon my word. Nothing further from thoughts. Can't say moah. 'Mr. Armstrong, said Claudia, 'I have never seen you display this ill-bred brutality before. I had not expected you to show it in my presence to my friend. Paul felt for the instant that he had been brutal and ill-bred.

If they weren't her children, she wouldn't look them in the face, they were so brutal! But the Rector, letting the old lady grumble on, sat down to his bowl of steaming soup. "What do you say to dinner, Pascualet! Don't mind her! Your daddy is going to make the best sailor in the Cabañal out of you! Tell us, mama, what you got in that bundle?"

What we undertake is to prove his sanity up to the very hour of his incarceration; and also that he was quite sane at the time when a brutal attempt to recapture him by violence was made under the defendant's order, and defeated by his own remarkable intelligence and courage. Along with the facts the true reason why he was imprisoned will probably come out.

In fear and terror she dropped her guarding arm, half feeling already the blow she expected to receive in her face, and quailing from the raving madman she was sure was about to spring upon her. But instead of Felix Brand, frenzied and brutal, her eyes fell upon the man whose help she had invoked.

Acton, you do not think that a man of that fellow's evident brutal instincts is a fit associate for a young woman of Miss Reid's character and refinement." "Perhaps not," admitted Phil, still laughing, "but I guess Kitty can take care of herself." "I do not agree with you, sir," said the other authoritatively.

The German students are a set of young men who certainly pursue their studies with zeal, but who nevertheless are more brutal in conduct, more insolent in manner, more slovenly and ruffian-like in appearance, and more offensive from the fumes of tobacco and beer, onions and sourcrout, in which they are enveloped, than are to be met with in any other part of Europe.

And such, despite the sympathies and assistance of brutal mobs of the populace, was sometimes the end of the American "strike."

In the morning she entered the mill hoping it might fall on and destroy her. At night she went home to a drunken father and a little sister who needed, in her childish sorrow, all the pity and care of the elder one. And one night her father, being more brutal than ever, had called out as Helen came in: "Come in, my mill-girl!"

She despaired of ever meeting such a one. Noel's extravagance left her as cold as ice. She believed he was very rich, and singularly, in spite of her greediness, she did not care much for money. Noel would have won her easier by a brutal frankness that would have shown her clearly his situation.

It fell to the ground dead; and such was the horror and indignation of that ancient but not Christianized body, men living in the light of nature, of reason, that they immediately expelled the brutal Areopagite from his seat, and from the association of humane legislators.