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"Yes, oh! yes, but he's so-o nice, with it," cooed the merle's brown-eyed "mate." "He has never oh! never squeezed me out of anything, just because I was a girl; always said that two two could hunt together and make good headway!" softly. "And so they can: and so they will, when it comes to the grandest quest of all, the hunt for truth and justice at the polls, voting side by side! Girls!

For a moment she contemplated his worried countenance in round-eyed bewilderment, and then glanced inquiringly at me. Maillot, in a sober manner, presented me. The handsome brown-eyed girl was Miss Belle Fluette; the other was her cousin, Miss Genevieve Cooper. She, too, was strikingly pretty, but instead of brown, her eyes were a deep and wonderful blue.

His name is Robert Frog, Esquire. His wife's name is Martha. His eldest son, Bobby a boy of about nine or ten is said to be the most larky boy in the settlement. We know not as to that, but any one with half an eye can see that he is singularly devoted to his mild little brown-eyed mother.

This continued until he saw a woman's hand waving from a cab. Presuming that such a signal, objectionable as it was, must be addressed to himself, he considered whether he should lift his hat, or simply smile as a favoured, but not too deeply flattered, man. The cab drew up, and the woman said, "Sedgett." She was a well-looking woman, strongly coloured, brown-eyed, and hearty in appearance.

"She looked sour enough to be several kinds of ache rolled in one. I hope the rest of the family are not like that." She did not have to wait long before a little girl came along the dim entry toward her. She was brown-haired, brown-eyed, dark-skinned and rather pale. She wore a plain blue gingham frock, and her hair was tied in two pig-tails with a narrow black ribbon.

It gave Clayte's eyes as a pale gray-blue, and his hair as dull brown, eliminating at least all brown-eyed men. Worth asserted warmly, "That girl's going to be useful to us, Boyne." I couldn't well disagree with him, after using her hint.

Paralysed, she stood staring down the road, unable to believe that the two or three hundred mounted men had deliberately levelled their muskets and fired. Then all around her she became aware of shrieks and sobs and prayers that went up to God. The brown-eyed Gentile lady who stood beside her had fallen in a curious attitude at her feet.

The boldest thinker may have his moments of languor and discouragement, when he feels as if he could willingly exchange faiths with the old beldame crossing herself at the cathedral-door, nay, that, if he could drop all coherent thought, and lie in the flowery meadow with the brown-eyed solemnly unthinking cattle, looking up to the sky, and all their simple consciousness staining itself blue, then down to the grass, and life turning to a mere greenness, blended with confused scents of herbs, no individual mind-movement such as men are teased with, but the great calm cattle-sense of all time and all places that know the milky smell of herds, if he could be like these, he would be content to be driven home by the cow-boy, and share the grassy banquet of the king of ancient Babylon.

Pollyanna liked him at once, and told him so. "You look quite a lot like MY doctor, you see," she added engagingly. "YOUR doctor?" Dr. Mead glanced in evident surprise at Dr. Warren, talking with the nurse a few feet away. Dr. Warren was a small, brown-eyed man with a pointed brown beard. "Oh, THAT isn't my doctor," smiled Pollyanna, divining his thought. "Dr. Warren is Aunt Polly's doctor.

She used to cry over me and say I don't suppose she thought I would ever understand or remember 'Beware the brown-eyed boys, darlin'. False an' foul they are, the brown ones. They take a girl's poor heart an' witch it away an' twitch it away, an' toss it back all crushed an' spoilt. Then she would hug me and sob.