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He could keep his word, he could be so jolly a companion as to leave nothing to be desired, and waiting, after all, would not be a martyrdom. His mood unloosed his tongue and made him eloquent as he described his experiences in trout-fishing. His words were so simple and vivid that he made his listeners hear the cool splash and see the foam of the mountain brooks.

"You'd better come round to the club and play bridge." "I never played whist and I'm bad-tempered." "Bit of everything then." Lord Arranmore smiled. "That's what it'll end in, I suppose." "Pleasant times we had down at Enton," Mr. Hennibul remarked. "How's the nice young lawyer Brooks his name was, I think?" "All right, I believe." "And the ladies? "I believe that they are quite well.

At the foot of the steps he shot a quick, involuntary glance upward, taking in the second story windows. The wondering servant looked after him until he turned the corner below. Brooks had seen men with the prison pallor in their faces before. He was not long in apprising Mrs. Braddock of the stranger's visit. She was with Christine when he made the unhappy announcement.

"It seems almost profane to look at such a young man, except through smoked glasses," protested Midshipman Heath. "What's your name, mister?" demanded Midshipman Brooks. "Darrin, sir," Dave answered, with the becoming meekness of a fourth class man. "Any relative of the Darrin mentioned in the elegy you have just been reading?"

It is the everlasting winter and the nakedness of the desert. The sole inhabitants are the cascades assembled to form the Gave. The streamlets of water come by thousands from the highest layer, leap from step to step, cross their stripes of foam, unite and fall by a dozen brooks that slide from the last layer in flaky streaks to lose themselves in the glaciers of the bottom.

Our minds that day were full of one thought, the death of Phillips Brooks, and when, a moment later, he said: "'Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood' there is nothing like that," it seemed quite natural that his voice should break and the tears come as he added, without mentioning the bishop's name, "How hard it is to think he is gone! I don't like to feel that I must live without him."

The principal hills on our right, as we look up stream, are from six to twelve miles away, and occasionally they send down spurs to the river, with brooks flowing through their narrow valleys. One of these plains, near the Kafue, is covered with the large stumps and trunks of a petrified forest.

Is it not in every sense desirable that they should be encouraged to take an intelligent and active interest in such matters? John Graham Brooks tells of his recent observations in Gloucester county, Virginia, where whites and blacks have been co-operating for good local government, and the curse of liquor-selling has been restrained by the votes of a black majority.

Once more he sent back his defiant cry, now in answer to theirs, and then, calling upon his reserves of strength and endurance, fled with a speed that none of the warriors had ever seen surpassed. Henry's flight lasted all that day, and he used every device to evade the pursuit, swinging by vines, walking along fallen logs, and wading in brooks.

"Have you identified Brooks?" some one else cried, and a roar followed. For a moment Flummers stood smiling at this raillery; then suddenly, and as though he would shut out a humiliating scene, he pressed his hands across his eyes.