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"Oh, no," answered Philip, smiling; "that never came into my mind." "I don't mind bringin' you up your supper for once," said Tucker. "Of course, I can't do it reg'lar, but this is the first night." "I suppose I shall be better able to make my escape if I eat," thought Philip. "Probably the most sensible thing is to accept this offer." "How much are you to get for my board, Mr. Tucker?" he asked.

"Well, the idee gains ground like an antelope, an' at last gets to be quite a conspir'cy. It's settled we plays it, with Dave Tutt to do the shootin'. "'An' we makes the game complete, says Jack Moore, 'by grabbin' Dave immediate an' bringin' of him before the committee, which convenes all reg'lar an' deecorous in the Red Light for said purpose.

I never did you harm, and and I stood you as much beer as I could. Oh, don't be hard on me, Dan! You are you were in it too. You won't kill me up there, will you?" "I'm not thinkin' of the treason; though you shud be glad any honest boys drank with you. It's for the regiment. We can't have the shame o' you bringin' shame on us.

"Well, sir, Reilly was a good scout, and inside of a minute he had six doughboys lined up behind the hearse and him bringin' up the rear in the side-car. The side-car kept backfirin', and it sounded like we was firin' salutes to the dead all the way to the park. "I wanta tell ya, that old lady was tickled.

"Where are you going?" asked the leading man, a minor officer. "To Washin'ton," replied the boy in the uncouth language that he thought fitted his role. "And what are you going to Washington for?" "To sell this hoss," replied Harry, on the impulse of the moment. "I raised him myself, but he's too fine fur me to ride, specially when hosses are bringin' sech good prices."

And she thrampin' about, you may depind, wid ne'er a place to be bringin' them to, if she had them twyste over, let alone any way of movin' them. It's very convanient we are, just round the turn of the road."

"Sir Thomas Gourlay, sir!" said the baronet, haughtily and indignantly, "Sir Thomas Gourlay!" "Thomas Gourlay," persisted Corbet, "it is now nineteen years, or thereabouts, since you engaged me, myself I am the man to take away the son of your brother, and you know the ordhers you gave me. I did so: I got a mask, and took him away with me on the pretence of bringin' him to see a puppet-show.

If that ain't what y' mean, what do y' mean? It can't be so, Miss Badlam: she's one o' my babies. At any rate, I handled her when she fust come to this village, and none o' my babies never did sech a thing. Fifteen year old, and be bringin' a whole family into disgrace!

She sold him a few days ago." "By George!" ejaculated Uncle Beamish, unconsciously raising his voice a little. "Wilson bought him, and his bringin' us here is as plain as A B C. And now he don't want to leave home." "But he has got to do it," said I, jerking the horse's head to one side and giving him a cut with the whip.

An' he didn't live long after that, anyway. Elizabeth, she come back, bringin' Monty with her; but her own folks tell as how there was never a thing said betwixt even them two, except Elizabeth sayin': 'I've come home, Mother Sturtevant, to bring your grandson to the old place. I haven't long to live; but Verplanck will never come till he has made a fortune and redeemed everything.