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Then the average college critic of the arts, with his balderdash about inspiration and moral purpose, is greater than Georg Brandes or Saint-Beuve. Then Éugene Brieux, with his Y. M. C. A. platitudinizing, is greater than Molière, with his ethical agnosticism, his ironical determinism.

There too is the banner of Castile amid yonder sparkling squadron which heads the main battle. There are six thousand men-at-arms with ten squadrons of slingers as far as I may judge their numbers." "There are Frenchmen among them, my fair lord," remarked Black Simon. "I can see the pennons of De Couvette, De Brieux, Saint Pol, and many others who struck in against us for Charles of Blois."

The law permits "sacred concerts" which, under the benevolent sway of Tammany, has come to mean any sort of vaudeville; so what we have is a free rein to the imbecilities of "Mutt & Jeff" and the obscenities of Anna Held and Gaby Deslys while we bar the greatest moralists of our times, such as Ibsen and Brieux.

M. BRIEUX, to whom I was relating this part of my argument, stopped me, saying, "You have guessed right; I represent to myself thought issuing from brain in the form of an electric gleam." Dr.

They are works in which the dramatist tries to prove something, or, at least, present some problem of social life, leaving to the audience the task of coming to a conclusion. However, even M. Brieux cannot get on without category number one, whilst he puts as much of category number three in his work as he can.

Plays like Ghosts and A Doll's House as far as the episode of Nora's hopeless lover is concerned and the works of that fierce moralist M. Brieux are banned by most of official theatredom, and some of them are censored. In fact, the whole note of the theatre is that gloomy or painful matters should be excluded.

Sheldon's craftsmanship is justified, and there is no more to be said. M. Brieux experienced some difficulty in bringing his early play, Blanchette, to a satisfactory close. The third act which he originally wrote was found unendurably cynical; a more agreeable third act was condemned as an anticlimax; and for some time the play was presented with no third act at all.

And yet the works of Brieux as ROBE ROUGE, portraying the terrible corruption of the judiciary and Mirbeau's LES AFFAIRES SONT LES AFFAIRES picturing the destructive influence of wealth on the human soul have undoubtedly reached wider circles than most of the articles and books which have been written in France on the social question.

A tie-up to one man, hein? to what good? and yet who can say to be an honored wife is the one experience I do not know yet!" she laughed again . "And who is Georgine you have not spoken of her before, Suzette?" She reddened a little under her new terra cotta rouge. "No? Oh! Georgine is my little first mistake but I have her beautifully brought up, Nicholas with the Holy Mother at St. Brieux.

He states his case in the Preface which he wrote to Three Plays by Brieux. Brieux is for him the greatest French dramatist since Molière; and more important because whilst Molière was content to indict human nature, Brieux devotes his energy to an indictment of society. "His fisticuffs are not aimed heavenward: they fall on human noses for the good of human souls."