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Her brother Roland sent tidings of her by fits, and sometimes a conventional message from Tourdestelle. Latterly her husband's name had been cited as among the wildfires of Parisian quays, in journals more or less devoted to those unreclaimed spaces of the city. Well, if she was unhappy, was it not the fulfilment of his prophecy in Venice? Renee's brevity became luminous.

It consisted of two inch-and-a-half-thick slices of bread, with two lumps of cheese to match. "I wish this river was nearer home," said Shank Leather, as they sat down under a spreading oak to dine. "Why?" asked his companion, with a felicitous brevity and straightforwardness which occasionally marked his conversation. "Because then I would have a swim in it everyday."

The theory itself whatever may be thought of the peculiar form which it has assumed in the hands of M. Comte cannot be regarded, in its main and essential features, as one of his original discoveries; for the general idea on which it rests had been announced with equal brevity and precision by the celebrated LA PLACE: "Let us survey the history of the progress of the human mind and of its errors; we shall there see final causes constantly pushed back to the boundaries of its knowledge.

She saw that her words had struck home in a manner which she had not intended. "I beg your pardon," she said involuntarily; "I never meant I never thought anything I ought not to have spoken as I did." "You had much better say what you mean," was the answer, spoken with bitter brevity. "Well, then, I will." Janetta raised her eyes and looked at him bravely.

As for Clarence, how easy it would be to haul up one's slacks to practically an unlimited extent on the subject of his emotions at this time. One can figure him, after the game is over and the gay throng has dispersed, creeping moodily but what's the use? Brevity that is the cry. Brevity. Let us on.

Locket was unable to keep a warmer light out of his judicial eye as he said to Baron at last with sociable brevity a tone that took many things for granted: "I'll take them home with me they require much attention." The young man looked at him a moment. "Do you think they're genuine?"

The question before the council related to the building of a market-house in Monrovia, at the expense of the commonwealth, as proposed in one of the sections of a bill to form a city government. This being a matter of some interest, each member expressed his views, but with such brevity that the whole debate occupied scarcely forty minutes, although several individuals spoke twice.

The singular brevity of my interview with the prince, from which I had expected great if not favourable issues, affected me as though I had been struck by a cannon shot; my brains were nowhere. His perfect courtesy was confounding. I was tormented by the delusion that I had behaved pusillanimously. My father rushed up to me after dark.

Such simplicity is perfectly consistent with the impatience, the desire for novelty, for brevity, of the American people. We think of them as always wishing to reduce life to formulae, as unwilling to express any surprise, and these tendencies may easily be considered as signs of a tiring civilisation. But in reality they are signs of youth too. That was in April.

"Did she tell you where we met the other day?" asked the Rector, with a brevity rendered necessary by Mrs Proctor's infirmity. "She told me she's a dear confused good soul," said the old lady "about the difference between Lucy and herself, and how the young creature was twenty times handier than she, and something about young Mr Wentworth of St Roque's.