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'You er monstus stout, Brer B'ar, sezee, 'en you pulls like a yoke er steers, but I sorter had de purchis on you, sezee. "Den Brer B'ar, bein's his mouf 'gun ter water atter de sweetnin, he up'n say he speck de candy's ripe, en off dey put atter it!" "It's a wonder," said the little boy, after a while, "that the rope didn't break."

He could think of nothing he had done calculated to stir Uncle Remus's grief. He was not exactly seized with remorse, but he was very uneasy. Presently Uncle Remus looked at him in a sad and hopeless way and asked: "W'at dat long rigmarole you bin tellin' Miss Sally 'bout yo' little brer dis mawnin?" "Which, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, blushing guiltily.

"Brer Rabbit wunk at hisse'f. He 'low, 'Heyo, house! why n't you talk hoarse like you got a bad col'? "Den Brer Wolf holler back, hoarse ez he kin, 'Heyo, yo'se'f! "Dis make Brer Rabbit laugh twel a little mo' en he'd a drapt off'n dat ar 'simmon stump en hurt hisse'f. "He 'low, 'Eh-eh, Brer Wolf! dat ain't nigh gwine ter do.

It's going to snow all night, and in the morning there won't be any tracks. The snowflakes will have covered them all up." Unc' Billy grinned. "Ah believe yo' are right, Brer Squirrel, Ah believe yo' are right!" said Unc' Billy.

It was twenty minutes to five o'clock, when an excited negro, panting and perspiring, rushed up to the back door of Sheriff Campbell's dwelling, which stood at a little distance from the jail and somewhat farther than the latter building from the court-house. A turbaned colored woman came to the door in response to the negro's knock. "Hoddy, Sis' Nance." "Hoddy, Brer Sam."

"Atter 'while, Brer Wolf went up a leetle nigher de creetur, en holler out: "'Heyo, dar! w'at you doin' scratchin' yo' scaly hide on my tree, en tryin' fer ter break hit down? "De creetur ain't make no answer. He des walk 'roun' en 'roun' de tree scratchin' he sides en back. Brer Wolf holler out: "'I lay I'll make you year me ef I hatter come dar whar you is!

"Bimeby, one day w'en Brer Rabbit wuz fixin' fer ter call on Miss Coon, he heerd a monstrus fuss en clatter up de big road, en 'mos' 'fo' he could fix his years fer ter lissen, Brer Wolf run in de do'. De little Rabbits dey went inter dere hole in de cellar, dey did, like blowin' out a cannle. Brer Wolf Wuz far'ly kivver'd wid mud, en mighty nigh outer win'.

Nex' mawnin' w'en ole Brer Rabbit come slippin' 'long en crope thoo de crack, de loop-knot kotch 'im behime de fo'legs, en de saplin' flew'd up, en dar he wuz 'twix' de heavens en de yeth. Dar he swung, en he fear'd he gwineter fall, en he fear'd he wer'n't gwineter fall.

Brer Rabbit, he sot dar in de cheer smokin' his seegyar, en he sorter cle'r up his th'oat, en say, sezee: "I'd er rid 'im over dis mawnin', ladies, sezee, but I rid 'im so hard yistiddy dat he went lame in de off fo' leg, en I speck I'll hatter swop 'im off yit, sezee.

"'Dey er some mighty nice 'simmons up dis tree, Sis Cow, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en I'd like mighty well fer ter have some un um, sezee. "'How you gwineter git um, Brer Rabbit? sez she. "'I 'lowed maybe dat I might ax you fer ter butt 'gin de tree, en shake some down, Sis Cow, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.