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Opposite Isabel was a tall buxom young woman of the purest Saxon type, who was talking amiably with the man on her right, and occasionally shaking with deep and silent laughter; her intimate casual manner, her slight movements, her accentuation, manifestly bred in the bone.

As it shapes different hands, as it trains different feet, as it gives to us different eyes, so also it has bred into my forest children hearts and souls that may be a little different, and a code of right and wrong that too frequently has had no court of law to guide it. So judge fairly, gentlemen of the Royal Mounted Police! Understand, if you can.

His wife, also of New England parentage, had a righteous horror of debt bred in her bone. Uncle Jap adored her. If he set an extravagant value upon his other possessions, what price above rubies did he place upon the meek, silent, angular woman, who had been his partner, companion, and friend for more than a quarter of a century.

"Nay, Brother," saith my Aunt Kezia, who was pinning a piece of work on the table, "surely a man may use respect to the powers that be, though they be not the powers he might wish to be?" "`Powers that be!" saith Father. "Powers that shouldn't be, you mean. I'll tell you what, Kezia, you may have been bred a Tory, but you were born a Puritan.

But nature has given him a mouthful of common sense, and the priest has added a bushelful of learning; he is what we call a very clever man in this country, where clever men are scarce. Bred to the church, but in no hurry to take orders." "To the Catholic Church?" "The Catholic Church? what Church else?" said the young lady. "But I forgot they told me you are a heretic. Is that true, Mr.

I'll find some or other way for Jupiter to plague thee, and him that bred thee no better, or never let me eat a good meals-meat again: I could, sirrah, but for the companies sake, I spare thee; tho' either we understand not aright, or they are sots themselves that carry no better a hand over thee; for without doubt it is true, like master like man.

If wild animals bred in captivity escape into the woods, they still retain something of their original tameness, and are as remote from the gentlest in the one extreme as they are in the other from those which have always been wild, and have never endured to be touched by man's hand.

That she will always keep it I believe, because I believe that it is impossible that this phase of emotionalism no, it is not hypocrisy, my French friends, it is only a sort of fit will last, and we shall soon be back in our clear senses again and say to the world, "We do this thing because we think it is right; because we think it is best for those we do it to and for ourselves, not because of the wickedness of war, the brotherhood of man, or any other notion bred of fear."

'You are not, then, by profession a soldier? said Waverley. 'Na, na; thank God, answered this doughty partizan, 'I wasna bred at sae short a tether, I was brought up to hack and manger.

The turnspit was bred for its short legs and small, compact body, and was serviceable in those treadmills of the hearth which have long since passed out of use, but which were for centuries features in our kitchens.