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She was not disappointed in the fearful hope with which she awaited him. Henchard came over the top, descended and Lucetta waited breathlessly. But having reached the arena she saw a change in his bearing: he stood still at a little distance from her; she could not think why. Nor could any one else have known.

Littell, the soft, thick rugs making their progress absolutely noiseless. Not a step in the well-built staircase creaked. They found the chain and bolt drawn from the heavy front door. Libbie had evidently let herself out with no difficulty. From the wide hall window Bob and Esther watched breathlessly. "Just go up to her quietly and take one of her hands," Mrs. Littell whispered to Betty.

He is the smallest, and yet he has more sense than the others, he said, turning to his wife; 'he's worrying about the gospodarstwo. Gradually, as the storm abated, the roar of the river struck them afresh. Slimak quickly drew on his boots. 'Where are you going? asked his wife. 'Something's wrong outside. He went and returned breathlessly. 'I say! It's just as I thought. 'Is it the corn?

And the next morning, to her great surprise, when Johnnie Green climbed into the haymow and found her nest he took the small brown egg and put it in his hat. And he never touched the big, white egg at all. He didn't even pick it up and look at it! Perched on a beam overhead Henrietta Hen watched him breathlessly.

She paused breathlessly, with a bright and confident glance as if she had made a point a minor one perhaps, but still a point in George's favour.

The shouts had awakened her, also, and she had slipped out as quietly as possible, not wishing to alarm her mother. "How did it happen?" she demanded, breathlessly. "Is the child badly burned? Is any one else hurt? Is the tramp in the cabin?" No one gave any answer to her rapid questions. The old professor shook his head, but did not look up.

Into the sleepy, half Mexican, historic town on the curving sands of the shores of the blue Bay of Monterey this swift, breathlessly swift, boy engineer had come from distant Australia, by way of Marseilles and London, had clutched up the beautiful daughter of the respected town banker, and was now carrying her off to distant China, where she was to live in all the state becoming the wife of the Director-General of Mines of the Celestial Empire.

"Why, yes, sir, if it wouldn't inconvenience you," the banker answered, "it would aid us greatly." He looked into the collector's keen, inquiring eyes, then added: "I may as well say quite frankly, Mr. Hammond, you're our last resort." "Then why" the other's smile was whimsical "then why not both of my notes?" God Almighty! "Do you mean it?" Sherman asked breathlessly.

She flew to the little man and hugged him enthusiastically. "I'm so dead tired I've worked every minute, haven't I, Sam?" "She sure has," the boy chuckled admiringly, "kep us all agoin' too!" "How do you like it, papa?" Milly led the little man into the front room and waited breathlessly for his approbation. It was her first attempt in the delicate art of household arrangement.

I had toddled along breathlessly in the trail made by his seven-league boots during the last thirty-five years of his career; but as I listened I found myself wondering that I had not noticed before that his modernity had begun before I had commenced to realize even what maternity meant more than half a century ago, for "La Traviata" was composed in 1853.