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Therefore, I say, all honor and glory to the rude, unlettered, great souled yeomen of the Mohawk Valley, who braved death in the wildwood gulch at Oriskany that Congress and the free Colonies might live. But in these first few days, be it repeated, nobody talked or thought much of glory.

In proportion as the grand crisis approached, the anxiety of the soldiers increased; not on account of any doubt or dread as to the result, but for fear that the place should be surrendered without standing an assault; for, singular as it may appear, although there was a certainty of about one man out of every three being knocked down, there were, perhaps, not three men, in the three divisions, who would not rather have braved all the chances than receive it tamely from the hands of the enemy.

Beneath him the sea was a sparkling plain. The Gentleman was kneeling beside his dead. He closed her eyes, and kissed the cold muzzle. "Adieu, ma mie," he whispered. "L'Irlande n'oubliera jamais." Then he put on his hat, and braved the sunshine. "Take my arm, Little Chap." So the two faced the hill. A question bubbled to the lad's lips. At last it blurted out. "How did they catch you, sir?"

For I knew that the rock was old when man was young, and that it had braved all the washings of the sea." The men congratulated Ben; and Ben came home and he stood at a mirror, and shaping his body put out his arms. "How's this for my maiden speech in the house?" he asked his wife. Presently he paused. "You're a fine one to be an M.P.'s lady," he said. "You stout, underworked fool."

The brig Betsey was about two hundred and twenty tons burden; a clump, dull-sailing craft, of rather venerable appearance, with no pretensions to youth or beauty, having braved the dangers of the seas for thirty years; nevertheless she was now apparently as sound, safe, and tight as any vessel that crossed the ocean.

It was not enough for you to command me to sit in that theatre, as your bait, your puppet, your victim, blushing and shuddering at sights unfit for the eyes of gods and men: but, over and above all this, I must assist in the renewed triumph of a woman who has laughed down my teaching, seduced away my scholars, braved me in my very lecture-room who for four years has done more than even Cyril himself to destroy all the virtue and truth which I have toiled to sow and toiled in vain!

There was no mark on his coarse clothing to tell a word of his story, and the Neosho kept his secret always. What boy after that would not have braved any danger to explore the depths of this hiding-place? But we could not do it. Try as we might, the hidden path leading up, or down, baffled us.

The fact is, that if Rapp's advice had been listened to, and had been supported by men higher in rank than himself, Bonaparte would not have braved the chances of the Russian war until those chances turned against him. Speaking to me of the Russians Rapp said, "They will soon be as wise as we are! Every time we go to war with them we teach them how to beat us."

Henry's measures were admirably calculated to increase his power. He scattered rich benefices lavishly among the clergy, lured on the soldiers of fortune with tempting bribes, and granted enviable privileges to the seaboard towns. The citizens of Augsburg, after tasting his bounty, braved the menaces of his antagonist.

Gardner, to whom, with others, he was giving lessons in languages; and as a result of his intercourse with this man he became again the same simple loving believer that he had been when he learnt to read the Bible at his mother's knee, or braved the taunts of his school-fellows. During the two months he was at Calcutta he held religious meetings, to which the soldiers were invited.