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When I came to Lisbon, I found out, by inquiry, and to my particular satisfaction, my old friend the captain of the ship, who first took me up at sea, off the shore of Africa: he was now grown old, and had left off the sea, having put his son, who was far from a young man, into his ship; and who still used the Brasil trade.

During this third voyage we were absent about sixteen months, eleven of which we had sailed without sight of the north Star or of the Greater and Lesser Bears, during which time we directed our course by the other stars of the southern pole. Assuredly Brasil is here meant, yet the latitude is absurdly erroneous.

But that you may more easily satisfy those, who are desirous of retaining you in the Indies, for the good of those countries, I will present you with my reasons: You know, in the first place, of what weight are the orders of the king of Portugal, for the confirmation of religion in the East, for the propagation of it in, Guinea and Brasil; and you can rightly judge, that a prince so religious as he, will do all things necessary for the advancement of God's honour, and the conversion of people, if one of your ability and experience shall personally instruct him; And besides, it is of great importance, that the holy apostolical see should be informed of the present state of India, by some authentic witness; to the end, that Popes may issue out spiritual supplies, as well to the new as to the ancient Christianity of Asia; without which, neither the one nor the other can subsist, or cannot subsist without much trouble; and nobody is more proper than yourself for this, both in respect of your knowledge in the affairs of the new world, and of your reputation in these parts.

As this was the country now so well known by the name of Brasil, I shall not say any more about it in this place, except that the fleet remained here for eight days; during which a great fish was thrown ashore by the sea, greater than any tonel, and as broad as two.

Myrrh from the province of Fastica , 700 leagues distant. Calicut produces zeromba ; and Cananore sends cardamoms, being only twelve leagues distant. Long pepper is found in Same . Benzoin from Zan, 700 miles from Calicut. Zedoary is produced in the territory of Calicut. Lac comes from the city of Samoterra , 500 leagues distant. Brasil wood from the region of Tannazar, 500 leagues.

But they returned vnto vs, and so together we came away towards the Victory, towing after vs the Prize that we had now taken, which was lately come from Brasil, loden with Sugar.

Some believe this saint to have been St Jesaphat, but it was more likely St Thomas, who has left many memorials in the east, and even in the west, both in Brasil and Paraguay. The natural woods of Ceylon are like the most curious orchards and gardens of Europe, producing citrons, lemons, and many other kinds of delicious fruit. It abounds in cinnamon, cardamums, sugar-canes, honey, and hemp.