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That suppressed motherliness which, embodying the unformulated desire to look after and care for others, turns so many widows to taking lodgers, found voice in Mrs. Brashear's reply: "You've had a spell of sickness, haven't you?" "No," he said, a little sharply. "Where did you get that idea?" "Your eyes look hot." "I haven't been sleeping very well. That's all." "Too bad.

"I'll come at seven in the morning," said Susan. "Do you live far?" "I'm going to live just up the street." "That's right. It adds ten cents a day to your wages the ten you'll save in carfare. Sixty cents a week!" And Matson beamed and scratched as if he felt he had done a generous act. "Who are you livin' with? Respectable, I hope." "With Miss Brashear I think." "Oh, yes Tom Brashear's gal.

To live on fifteen dollars a week, plus his own small income, which all went for "extras," had been simple, at Mrs. Brashear's. To live on fifty at the Regalton was much more of a problem. Banneker discovered that he was a natural spender. The discovery caused him neither displeasure nor uneasiness.

Above all, she ought to be thankful that she was not Jeb Ferguson's wife. But her efforts to make herself resigned and contented, to kill her doubts as to the goodness of "goodness," were not successful. She had Tom Brashear's "ungrateful" nature the nature that will not let a man or a woman stay in the class of hewers of wood and drawers of water but drives him or her out of it and up or down.

The flame of the greedy stove licked up the memento, but not the memory. "You must not worry about me," he wrote in the note left with his successor for Miss Van Arsdale. "I shall be all right. I am going to succeed." Mrs. Brashear's rooming-house on Grove Street wore its air of respectability like a garment, clean and somber, in an environment of careful behavior.

Brashear's plump little hands made gestures so fluttery and helpless that her lodger was moved to come to her aid. "What's the matter, Mrs. Brashear? What's troubling you?" "If you could make it convenient," said she tremulously, "when your month is up. I shouldn't think of asking you before." "Are you giving me notice?" he inquired in amazement. "If you don't mind, please.

When they had approached within ten paces, Brashear stopped and said, "Are you ready?" Being answered in the affirmative, "Then fire, sir; I scorn to take the first fire." Dr. Tolls did so, and, missing him, stood and received Brashear's ball through both thighs, and fell.