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"I shouldn't wonder if Brannigan got some kind of fit when we spend all that in his shop at once. He's not accustomed to millionaires." Frank, not being able to find a shilling and a sixpence in his pocket, handed over another half crown. Priscilla promised to give him his change. She stopped the bath-chair at the door of Brannigan's shop.

Brannigan said as if he were apologizing for her. He sat down and continued to mop his brow mechanically. The two sisters stared in dismay at the clown who had brought bad news. "W'at I don' know is how to tell the kid," said Bert. "He was nutty about Florette; didn't give a darn for no one else. I bin on the bill with them two lots of times, an' I seen how it was.

Brannigan, we have some arrangements to make about the concert to-night. Madame d'Avala is to sing in the school auditorium, a benefit performance," and she went out, followed by her sister and niece. "Where's Florette?" Freddy asked again, his voice trembling with eagerness. "I seen her in K.C., sonny." "How's the ac'?" "Fine! Fine! Great!" "No kiddin'?" "No kiddin'." "Florette all right?"

He wouldn't do it. Simply loathes the name of Torrington. Besides, I don't suppose Thormanby is the kind of man he wants to meet. He'd probably rather hear Brannigan or some one of that sort talking damned Nationalism. But I can't ask Brannigan, really can't, you know, Frank. I might have O'Hara, that's the doctor. I don't suppose my sister would mind now.

The ups and downs of Fortune made smooth travelling for his nimble steps. His blue pencil stub was at work again before the smoke of the steamer on which White sailed had cleared away from the horizon. He had but to speak a word to Geddie to find his credit negotiable for whatever goods he wanted from the store of Brannigan & Company.

And Tom Brannigan he'll be scared at first, but we'll show him it's a jolly place Charlotte, I musn't get to dreaming day-dreams now, or I never can summon strength of purpose to wait another week. One week from to-day! What an age it seems!" "Run and make your calls," advised Charlotte, laughing, as she escaped from him and hurried to the door.

There was one who saw the possibilities of thus turning the tables on Haroun al Raschid. His name was Corny Brannigan, and he was a truck driver for a Canal Street importing firm. And if you read further you will learn how he turned upper Broadway into Bagdad and learned something about himself that he did not know before.

Man, I'd like to burn this town!" Kennicott observed, "There's that old crank Wes Brannigan shooting off his mouth again. Gosh, but he loves to hear himself talk! They ought to run that fellow out of town!"

He tried to buy them off with macaroons, but the plan failed, as a similar one did in the case of the Anglo-Saxon king and the Danes. The children, like the Norse pirates, returned almost immediately in increased numbers. Then Priscilla appeared. "I thought I should have had a frightful rag with Brannigan over the tin-opener," she said, "but he was quite nice about it.

"Please explain yourself, Mr. Brannigan," said Miss Eva. "She's dead. I thought you knew." "Miss Le Fay is dead?" gasped Miss Nellie. "Why weren't we told?" asked Miss Eva. "It was in the papers," said Bert. "But they didn't give Florette no front-page headlines, an' maybe you don't read the theatrical news." "No," said Miss Eva. "Well, not bein' in the profession," Mr.