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The wolf, scenting the meat and unable to get at it through the poles and willows, would crowd into the hole and working his body forward, in order to get the meat, would push down the brace and the log thus released would hold the wolf fast under its weight.

He was very tall, with a skin clear and polished like bronze, and, unlike the ordinary savage, his breast was unmarked, and his hair unadorned. He was naked to the waist, and below wore long leather breeches, dyed red, and fringed with squirrels' tails. In his wampum belt were stuck a brace of knives and a tomahawk.

"By the powers, Mr Courtenay, I hope you may be right," answered Hennesey. "Ay, there she is," he continued, "as plain as mud in a wineglass! And if she isn't French her looks belie her. Mr Hudson, you spalpeen, slip down below and tell the captain that there are a brace of suspicious-looking craft within a mile of us.

If you have, brace up. You are ruined. That's about as mild as I can put it." "You know all?" said the young man helplessly, his hands clasped between his knees in aesthetic agony. "Yes; I know more than you do, as you will find out. You're a nice sort of man, to come into a man's house, in a strange land, and make love to his wife. Now, what do you think of yourself?

"But they've not seen us yet," said Sir Humphrey. "What, sir?" cried the captain, laughing. "They all came ashore as soon as I'd told 'em about you, and crept up to the open window of the room where you two gentlemen sat talking by the lighted lamp." "Indeed?" cried Brace. "I did not hear them." "Only came one at a time, sir, and they'd no shoes on." "Well, what did they say?" cried Brace.

"Let things swing as they're going," he advised. "She'll take care of herself, give her free run right now. But you can't pinch up a line gale by putting a clothespin on the nose of the tempest. Let her snort! Brace the party and face it like a hitching post! Don't try to choke off Arba Spinney. Let him froth."

This cross is now almost universally adopted. It is one of the secrets in the breeding of the greyhound. Of the stanchness of the well-bred greyhound, the following is a satisfactory example. A hare was started before a brace of greyhounds, and ran by them for several miles. When they were found, both the dogs and the hare lay dead within a few yards of each other.

Then again you have forgotten our through passenger train, No. 21, which is an hour late from the south to-day; what are you going to do with her? Pass them on one track, I suppose. But don't be discouraged, my boy, brace up and try it again. That's a much better schedule than the first one I ever made." He made another schedule and I resumed my copying.

"Brace, now I am speaking the woman's language, perhaps you may not be able to understand me, but I know Con is not offering me dregs I do not think he has any dregs in his nature; he is offering me the best, the truest love of his life. I know it! I know it! The love that would bring my greatest joy and his best good and yet I am afraid!"

You ought to be thankful you're not a dog. Brace up, Benedick, and bid the blues begone." The matrimonial mishap looked down at me with almost canine intelligence in his face. "Why, doggie," says he, "good doggie. You almost look like you could speak. What is it, doggie Cats?" Cats! Could speak! But, of course, he couldn't understand. Humans were denied the speech of animals.