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Hun'erds ob times he say, 'Chunk, we go back some day, sho! But he do he duty brabe. I go wid 'im ev'ywhar en onst, des on de aige ob night, he wuz ridin' long wid 'bout twenty ob he men en dis ting happen. We didn't tink any Rebs roun' en I'd been kep' back tryn' ter git a chicken fer mars'r's supper. Ez I riz a hill, ridin' right smart I see our folks goin' easy en car'less inter a woods.

An' I will come wid you myself, sar, to carry gun. I am a brabe man, sar; no pusson in dhis worl' more brabe as me; you shall see, sar." "Very well," answered Dick, suppressing a smile at the Hottentot's vainglorious boast; "you, being so exceedingly brave and reliable shall go with Mr Grosvenor; but you must pick me out a good man to come with me.

When Zany had lighted the candle her scared, troubled face revealed at once that she had tidings of dire import. Miss Lou seized the girl with a grip which hurt her arm, demanding, "Have you heard anything about about Lieutenant Scoville?" "Now, Miss Lou, you gotter be brabe en not look at me dat away. Kaze ef you does, w'at I gwine ter do? I kyant stan' it nohow." "Oh! oh!"

'Badian too brabe; um beat all de buckra sailor trash in de whole world, you bet!" "Stow that, you ugly black devil!" interposed one of our men, fetching the mulatto's partisan a crack on the shins with the cutter's boathook, which he held in his hand, he being bowman and left in charge of the boat. "You just keep out o' the ring if ye know what's good for you!"