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In the north aisle the Tudor monument to Sir T. Hales showing his burial at sea is curious and picturesque, and other memorials are to Charles I.'s organist, Orlando Gibbons, and to the Archbishops Boyes and Sumner. The north-west transept, on the left as the steps to the choir are ascended, is the scene of Becket's martyrdom, and the vergers show the traditional spot where he fell.

All thancks, kind frends, that a sad house can give ye Pray you receive; for I rest well assurd, Though theis sports are unseasonable here, They testifie your loves; and, if my Lord Ere live to be himself againe, I know He will remember it. 1 Burg. Now for the Daunce, Boyes. Wife. Ther's something for your paines: drinck it, I pray. 2 Burg. To a doyt, my vroa, to thy Lords health and thyne.

At my first comming to Rome, I being a youth of the English cut, ware my haire long, went apparailed in light coulours, and imitated foure or fiue sundrie Nations in my attyre at once: which no sooner was noated, but I had all the boyes of the Citie in a swarme wondering about mee.

Under the year 1693 we are reminded of perils, now happily impossible, that then lurked around these shores. There is an entry of half-a-crown paid to William Thomas "for his labour to goe to ffalmouth to give an account that two ffrench privateers lay in our bay"; and a little later another half-crown was given "to ffower poore boyes that were taken by a ffrench privateer."

"and here Foloweth an account of the curcumstances, age and sexes of those people, thare Is two famles Consisting of fifteen In Number, the whole to witt. Benoni Melanso with his wife of about fourty four or five years of age, and they have seven children thre Boyes and four Girlls, the Eldest Girl about 17 years old, the boye Next about 15 years old, Sickly.

This prologue should portend a fatall Tragedie: Theis examples will make 'em shake. 2 Cap. 'Tis well they have 'em; Their stubbornenes and pride requires 'em greater. The Prince strikes iust ith' nick and strikes home nobely: This new pretending faction had fird all els; They had floong a generall ruyn on the Cuntry. Enter Boyes & Burgers. 1 Boy. He comes, he comes, he comes! ô for a place now!

In the Centurion there were in all, of men and boyes, fourtie and eight, who together fought most valiantly, and so galled the enemie, that many a braue and lustie Spaniard lost his life in that place.

In Salem, in 1676, it was ordered that "all ye boyes of ye towne are and shall be appointed to sitt upon ye three pair of stairs in ye meeting-house on ye Lords Day, and Wm. Lord is appointed to look after ye boyes yt sitte upon ye pulpit stairs. Reuben Guppy is to look and order soe many of ye boyes as may be convenient, and if any are unruly, to present their names, as the law directs."