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The court informally adjourned sine die, but had so many meetings afterward at the same place to dispose of Bowney's accomplices, that his freedom was considered fairly purchased, and he and his family were located a good way from the scenes of his most noted exploits. Just after two o'clock, on a July afternoon, Mr.

Everybody knows that Bowney's been at the bottom of all the deviltry that's been done in the county this three year. Highway robbery's a hangin' offense in Texas an' every other well-regilated State; so's hoss-stealin', an' so's shootin' a man in the back, an' yit Bowney's done ev'ry one of 'em over an' over agin.

The tramp of a horse was heard at a distance, but rapidly growing more distinct, and soon Bowney's captor galloped up to the tree. Then another horse was heard, then others, and soon ten or a dozen men were gathered together.

We'll try to be easy on him when we ketch him." "None of 'em," sobbed the woman. "We walked, an' I took turns totin' the young uns. My husband! Oh, God! my husband!" "Beg yer pardon, ma'am," said Bowney's captor, "but nobody can't b'leeve that; it's nigh onto twenty mile." "I'd ha' done it ef it had been fifty," cried the woman, angrily, "when he wuz in trouble. Oh, God! Oh, God!