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Gratified more than I ever expected to be by a word from him, I bowed my thanks and promised most heartily to come. And that was the end of our first interview. It has left me with very lively sensations. Will they be increased or diminished by the talk he has promised me? I had a pleasant hour with the Colonel, but we did not talk of her. Had I expected to?

As soon as he was dressed, he came into the hall of audience, where he ascended his throne, and shewed himself to his courtiers: who, eager to know the success of the new medicine, came thither betimes, and when they saw the king perfectly cured, expressed great joy. The physician Douban entering the hall, bowed himself before the throne, with his face to the ground.

Stannard had not been at Frayne in the early summer, not until the major was assigned to station at Cushing had the good wife joined him, and meanwhile there had been no hand to guide, only a fond and passionate young heart. And now, with his gray hairs bowed in sorrow to the dust, poor Mayhew had come to tell his piteous tale.

There were some fifteen men eating in the place. Then our friend, despite his unassuming appearance, was evidently a creature of wealth! Well, this was growing interesting. We ordered wine again. "Ask Mr. Sklarz if he will favor us by joining us at our table for this drink," I told the waiter. The message was delivered. Mr. Sklarz arose and bowed, but sat down again.

Oh it was sad, inexpressibly sad, to see the grand and good man the image of himself, yet not himself, with bowed head and bent form, the very personification of humility wandering forth on that lonely island of the southern seas! After quitting the shore he continued slowly to ascend the mountain until he gained the summit.

You have carried out, with the utmost credit to yourself, several exceedingly difficult pieces of work, and for that reason I am going to detail you for a service which I suspect will prove even more difficult than any which you have yet been called upon to perform." Jim bowed, and did his best not to look too pleased.

"Put this on," said she. And Lois put it on. The wind was from the east, and had the salt smell of the sea. All the white-flowering bushes in the yards and the fruit trees bowed toward the west. There was a storm of white petals. Lois, as she and her mother walked against the wind, kept putting her hand to her hair, to keep it in place. Mrs.

"And you think, doctor, that people live just as long as they really want to and that we do not die save with our own consent?" "Certainly." I walked with him along the gravel path. He stopped for a moment at the gate, his head bowed as if in thought. "Certainly," he said again, "but they must really want to and not merely think they want to.

The notary continued after a moment's pause: "It is of course understood that Madame cannot accept that legacy without your consent." Du Roy rose and said shortly: "I ask time for reflection." The notary smiled, bowed, and replied pleasantly: "I comprehend the scruples which cause you to hesitate.

She put it aside, and, throwing her arms on the mantelpiece, bowed her head upon them. This, then, was the hour which, for five years, she had anticipated as an occasion of unmixed delight. She was not weeping; no, the eyes were dry and the lips firmly fixed.