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Are you fond of a sartin boy not far from you, called Bouncin' Phelim?" "To be sure I am. Are you satisfied now? Phelim! I say," "Faith, it won't pass, avourneen. That's not the voice for it. Don't you hear me, how tendher I spake wid my mouth brathin' into your ear, acushla machree?

He immediately retired to the cell of a convict, whom he knew to be from the townland of Teernarogarah: and ordering its inmate to look through the bars of his window, which commanded the yard, he asked him if there was any one among them whom he knew. The fellow in a few minutes replied, "Whethen, divil a one, barrin' bouncin' Phelim O'Toole."

I don't mean to say that I think he'll want to do us any harm, for he has never shown any sign of such a feelin', but if he takes to bouncin' and thrashin' when he scratches himself on any rocks, it'll be a bad box for us to be in." None of the others shared these special fears of Mrs.

After I had opened my roll an' took out my guns, so I could show 'em to her in the mornin' an' sort o' cheer her up, I shed my boots an' proceeded to occupy my bunk. Say, it was like floppin' down on a tubful o' suds. Springs! Well, you should have seen Uncle Happy bouncin' up an' down.

"'Whee! says I in joy, for he had Murdock safe by the bits, buckin' considerable. "'Stan' aside and le'mme 'lectrocute 'im, says I. I throwed the gun on him and the crowd dogged it into all the doorways and windows convenient, but I was so weak-minded in the knees I stumbled over the curb and fell down. "Next thing I knew we was all bouncin' over the cobble-stones in a patrol wagon.

Bein' ignerunt, I 'ain't got the same feelin's as these other folks got. I got a shell like a land turtle." "It is quite customary, I assure you. No offense, my dear sir." "That's how I figgered! Just bouncin' a low-down var mint ain't offense enough to be throwed out about, when you pay your bills " "You quite misapprehend " "Fired, eh? It 'll go hard with Ma.