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"We'll see about that," and with the words the big fellow seized the man's arms and wrenched his hand off the lever. The conductor sprang to the assistance of his comrade while the policeman ran forward and pushed the man roughly off the car. In the same instant, Theo saw Carrots snatch a box from a bootblack near him and with a wild yell of defiance, hurl it through one of the car windows.

The husband has been out of work for eight months; the only one of the children who is able to earn anything is a boy who is a bootblack, and can earn, in fine weather, three dollars a week. Another woman at work on these postal uniforms, who was not able to labor quite such long hours, could only make four pairs a day.

So he sought out Mike in his "office." "Good morning, Mike," said Rodney, as the bootblack was brushing off a customer. "Oh, its you, Rodney," said Mike smiling with evident pleasure. "How you're gettin' on?" "Not at all." "That's bad. Can I help you? Just say the word, and I'll draw a check for you on the Park Bank." "Is that where you keep your money?" "It's one of my banks.

I was a newsboy, I did shine boots at the street corner, and Aunt Winnie is with the Little Sisters of the Poor now." "Bravo! bravo!" came a low silvery voice from the shadows, and Miss Stella clapped her slender hands. "O Dan, Dan!" cried poor little Miss Polly, sobbing outright. "A newsboy and bootblack! Oh, how could you fool me so, Dan?"

What you want is an amalgamated lady bootblack and nautch dancer. You're a joke to a free white woman. I'm sorry for your wife. She ought to slip you a bichloride tablet. If it was worth while I'd turn you over to the authorities for breaking the food regulations." She rose, unceremoniously shoving back her chair. "For a fact, I'm tired of watching you eat.

The sanest piece of advice that I ever heard given to those librarians who argue in favor of buying all the bootblack stories the boys want, was that of Miss Haines at a recent institute for town libraries.

I have no doubt in the world but that this little bootblack is he. His mother died in Italy. He resembles his mother very much. Perhaps I ought to provide for him. Shall I disclose myself? No! no! Better he should taste the sweets of Labor. Penury ennobles the mind and kindles the Love of the Beautiful.

Suddenly a bootblack attempted to solve the problem by saying: "You guys is all wrong! Can a dummy talk? Can a dummy walk? Can a dummy live?" "Hush!" murmured the policeman. "Look here!" and he pointed to the hold in the lady's head. The newsboy looked, turned pale and whistled to keep himself from shivering.

But this morning he lingered, contemplating with an unobtrusive scrutiny the occupant of the adjoining chair, a small, angular, hard man, whose brick-red face was cut off in the segment of an abrupt circle, formed by a low-jammed green hat. This individual had just briskly bidden his bootblack "hurry it up" in a tone which meant precisely what it said. The youth was doing so. "George," said Dr.

Sometimes I stopped near Victoria Station, put my foot upon a block, and had a boot half ruined while I watched the bootblack. Sometimes I bought a variety of evening papers from a ragged gnome who might be a wonder-child, and made mistakes over the payment to prolong the interview. I leaned against gaunt houses and saw the dancing waifs yield their poor lives to ugly, hag-ridden music.