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"So we'll have to do, at this rate." "I'll go see whut the el-e-ments looks like." We arose from our squatting postures. John opened the little clapboard door, which swung violently backward as another gust boomed against the cabin. Dust and hot ashes scattered in every direction. The dogs sprang up, one encroached upon another, and they flew at each other's throats.

The expression of the chief's face became ghastly. His eyes widened until they showed rings of white; his nostrils expanded. With a fierce yell, he thumped his scrawny chest until it boomed like an Indian drum. Then he gave a series of guttural orders to his followers. Kid Wolf, who knew the Apache tongue, listened and understood. His sunburned face paled a bit, but his eyes remained steady.

At the end of one of the winding paths was an old fountain. Its wide stone basin was chipped, and the marble figure above it was discolored by storm and sun. Weeds such weeds as could catch a foothold in the shallow layer of earth had grown rank and high where once water had brimmed clear and cool, and great lazy bees boomed among them.

I got the sights dead on to a certain spot at the back of that red cave. I pressed the trigger; the charge boomed and nothing happened! I heard no bullet strike and Jana did not even take the trouble to close his mouth. An exclamation of "O-oh!" went up from the watchers.

Beyond, toward the west, the ocean boomed on the bar that lay across the river's mouth. And here, in the caves, we settled down in our abiding-place by the sea. There were not many of us. From time to time, as the days went by, more of the Folk appeared.

After the way of men at such a time there was no giving back, rather a growing denseness of the packed throng. "Don't you hear me?" boomed Sothern angrily. "I say stand back!" Those directly in front of him, under his eyes, drew hesitantly aside, stepping obediently to right or left.

"What are we doin' here, anyway?" roared some thirster for information. Nobody answered. But, thus recalled to a purpose, the mob pressed against the ropes. "Ladies and gentlemen!" A great, rounded voice boomed out above them, drawing every eye to the farthermost window where stood Dr. Surtaine, his chest swelling with ready oratory. "Hooray!" yelled the crowd. "Good Old Doc!"

The Chancellor then stepped forward and in a ringing voice he shouted, "Long live George Washington, President of the United States." A great answering shout went up from the people, the flag was broken to the breeze, and cannon boomed forth a salute to the first President of the United States. Again and again Washington bowed his thanks to the cheering people.

She shaded her eyes for a better look, when the noonday gun boomed from the citadel; the bell upon the chapel jangled harshly, and those strange maskers, those quaint black birds with white breasts and faces, flocked indoors.

Never had more fervent and universal enthusiasm been seen. On the hills and around the capital cannon boomed welcome to the inflowing volunteers, wagons rumbled by carrying arms and ammunition to the camps, on every street marched untrained but courageous recruits.