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I had indeed very little choice left me in the matter; for not only had they booked me for a particular part, but bills were already in circulation, and sundry little three-cornered notes enveloping them, were sent to the elite of the surrounding country, setting forth that "on Friday evening the committee of the garrison theatricals, intending to perform a dress rehearsal of the 'Family Party, request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs.

"Oh, rather!" he said. "We'll have a regular jollification with as many old friends as we can collect. Don't forget, Miss Roscoe! You are booked first and foremost, and we shall keep you to it, Daisy and I." Two days later Muriel was on her way back to Ghawalkhand. She found the heat of the journey almost insupportable.

She needs a change after waitin' on dat guy what's been on a spree." "How long has Mr. Logan been ill?" asked Joe. "Oh, he's been in Kelly's joint for a week." "He must have been waiting for the circus to arrive," thought Joe. "He knew we were booked for here. Poor fellow!" Joe was glad it was still light when he entered the district where Kelly's café, or saloon, to be more exact, was situated.

I should have come straight home, only I was booked for that muddle on the frontier they called 'a war. I got fever after Targai; was invalided home; and here I am recruiting and finishing my book. Now you can understand why loveliness in a woman, fills me with a sort of panic, even while a part of me still leaps up instinctively to worship it.

"I've been thinking it was a pity I went to mine," Lanfear returned, "though I'm in San Remo for such a short time it's scarcely worth while to change." "Well, perhaps if you came here, you might stay longer. I guess we're booked for the winter, Nannie?" He referred the question to his daughter, who asked Lanfear if he would not have some coffee.

Cutty attended his conferences. He learned immediately that he was booked to sail the first week in May. His itinerary began at Piraeus, in Greece, and might end in Vladivostok. But they detained him in Washington overtime because he was a fount of information the departments found it necessary to draw upon constantly.

'It's a booked place though, said the stranger, 'and no mistake. We have all of us a very great respect for Manchester, of course; look upon her as a sort of mother, and all that sort of thing. But she is behind the times, sir, and that won't do in this age. The long and short of it is, Manchester is gone by.

He had dined with my wife and myself, and, accompanied by Arthur Sketchley, who had dropped in after dinner, he bade us good-by and went for his nightly grind, as he called it. We were booked to take our departure the next morning. His condition was pitiable. He was too feeble to walk alone, and was continually struggling to breathe freely.

Had they been justified in sending a man to his death, as they believed they had? Ought they not to warn him, at least? 'No, said Harrington; 'if he is the murderer I think him, we have done no more than is just. Still, if you think it better but how and where can you warn him? 'He was booked to Abbeville only, said Dunning. 'I saw that.

I can't find his headquarters. I've been thinking " He drew me aside into the small gallery which runs parallel with the Assyrian Room. "Dexter has booked two passages in the Oceanic. Who is his companion?" I wondered, I had wondered more than once, if his companion were my beautiful violet-eyed acquaintance.