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Therefore one's earlier things must inevitably contain a mass of rot. And with what one sees, on one side, with its tongue in its cheek, defying one to be real enough, and on the other the bonnes gens rolling up their eyes at one's cynicism, the situation has elements of the ludicrous which the artist himself is doubtless in a position to appreciate better than any one else.

Hence," added the count, with his French lively smile, "hence there is no place like Vienna for a young man, no place like Vienna for bonnes fortunes." "Those make the paradise of the idle," replied Randal, "but the purgatory of the busy.

Hamerton's indignation; the more so as he never for one moment believed the discourteous and outrageous letter to be genuine. I transcribe his explanation of the incident as given by himself to his son-in-law: "Novembre 17, 1890. "MON CHER FILS, Il m'est arrive de pouvoir, je crois, etre utile au maintien des bonnes relations entre les marines anglaises et francaises.

Of course these animals were all hired ones obtained at Eaux Bonnes, and engaged for the trip across the Pyrenees to the Spanish side as also to be used in any deviations that the hunters should think proper to make, while engaged in the pursuit of the bear.

He ate his breakfast, and was about to take a walk, when the pains of the previous day suddenly returned, in a more violent form. Without consulting his brother, Louis sent to Oloron for Dr. C , whose wonderful cures at Eaux Bonnes had won him a wide reputation.

Like most Mexican militarios, he could boast of his bonnes fortunes, which he often did. These have become more rare since receiving the sword-thrust from his American adversary in the duel at Chihuahua, which not only cost him three front teeth, but a hideous scar across the cheek. The teeth have been replaced, but the scar cannot be effaced; it remains a frightful cicatrix.

We obtained it by the help of bonnes, who found it easier to speak French to us because our mother always did the same in their presence. My mother considered it of the first importance to make us familiar with French at a very early age, because, when she reached Berlin with a scanty knowledge of German, her mastery of French secured numerous pleasant things.

In truth, French tragedy is little to my taste.... The best part of the play was the opportunity it afforded "les bonnes gens" de Paris to show their loyalty, and much gratified I was in hearing some enthusiastic applause of certain passages as they applied to the return of their ancient sovereign.

C'étoit un homme d'assez grande taille et brun; mais doux et affable, vaillant et libéral, et qui passoit pour avoir toutes sortes de bonnes qualités.

But this man was dead had been dead some years. He had not died at Vienna never visited that capital for some years before his death. He was then, and had long been, the ami de la maison of one of those grandes dames of whose intimacy grands seigneurs are not ashamed. They parade there the bonnes fortunes they conceal elsewhere. Monsieur and the grande dame were at Baden when the former died.