United States or Romania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Here appeared the deus ex machina, Charles Homans, Beverly Light Guard, Company E, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment. That is the man, name and titles in full, and he deserves well of his country. He took a quiet squint at the engine, it was as helpless as a boned turkey, and he found "Charles Homans, his mark," written all over it. The old rattletrap was an old friend.

7th Day a cold Day wind blew hard from the N. W. J Fields got one of his ears frosed deturmined to lay by and hunt today Killed an Elk & 6 deer,* this meat I had Boned & put onto a Close pen made of logs- *all that was fit for use

Neither knew it, but that little speech marked the ebb of the wave that had lifted him from his eastern home, had urged him across the plains, had flung him in the almost insolent triumph of his youth high toward the sun. Now the wash receded. It was indeed a good place for children. Charley and Alice Gates grew tall and strong, big boned, magnificent, typical California products.

The city gives even to children a sophisticated look that baffles the casual psychologist. The children playing on the steps behind the boy were stocky, swarthy Italians. But he was tall and loosely built, with dark red hair and hard blue eyes. He was thin and raw boned.

Man to man on the prairie farm, in the lumber woods, your Canadian can out-do the Russian or Galician or Hebrew. The Canadian uses more brains and his aggregate returns are bigger; but boned down to a basis of who can save the most and become rich fastest, your foreigner has the native-born Canadian beaten at the start.

"That is as I remember him. Biggish, raw- boned, hard-bitten sort of a man about my age clean-shaven looked more of a Colonial than an Englishman he'd been out in South Africa, doing one thing and another, since he was a boy." "S'elp me if that doesn't sound like the man who was in Mrs. Goldmark's restaurant!" said Melky. "Just what she describes, anyhow!"

He said her father died when she was ten or eleven and a family named Smith sort of brought her up and she was known as Mary Smith. But when she married, she named the boy after her father who was a raw boned, red headed man named Enoch Huntingdon." Enoch gave Ames a long steady look and the younger man relaxed a little.

And as he held and stimulated your attention you got a fearful idea, that the purpose for which this human creature was shaped had been somehow artfully reversed! He was big boned and tall when he stood up. "Pendleton," he said, "I would have come to you, but for my guest." And he indicated the elegant young man at the table.

Miss Emmeline was seated, pencil in hand, with several sheets of paper before her, all ready, to take notes of the directions as they were settled. Mrs. Bibbs and Mrs. Tibbs were placed on a sofa; and Mrs. Hilson threw herself into a rocking-chair. "In the first place, Emmeline," said the 'city-lady, "we must have boned turkey: put down boned turkey."

A quarter of an hour later, a peasant of almost forty-five years of age opened the door with a casual greeting. He was strongly-built, big boned, and was robust, without being fat. His eyes with their overhanging brows and wide heavy lids, wasted no idle glances; he neither spoke an unnecessary word, nor made a superfluous gesture.