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You don't know what we old Bow Street hands can do when we're on our mettle. I've heard a deal of talk about Fooshay, that was at the head of Bonaparty's police but bless your heart, ma'am, Fooshay was a fool to us. I've done as much and more than what you talk of before to-day. All you have to do is to give me the names and descriptions of the two men I am to watch, and leave all the rest to me."

See how strong Mihay is! 'Well, and what would you do with him? 'We'd get him on his back, we would. 'And he'd shout, "Pardon, pardon, seevooplay!" 'We'd tell him, "None of your seevooplays, you old Frenchy!" 'Bravo, Vasya!... Well, now then, shout, "Bonaparty's a scoundrel!" 'But you must give me some sugar! 'You scamp!

But at the first stage some recruiting officers stopped them, insisting that they were Irish and not Americans, and must be enlisted to serve with Bonaparty's army in Spain. The prisoners to a man refused to hear of it, and the end was they were marched back to prison in disgrace, and, to cap everything, had their English allowance stopped on pretence that they had been in the French service.

It's on that event the song was composed: "Bonaparty's in no mood to dance, He's lost the garters he brought from France."... Do you understand? he liberated your fatherland. 'And what's that to do with me? 'Ah! you silly boy! Why, if his Highness Prince Mihalo Ilarionovitch hadn't driven out Bonaparty, some mounseer would have been beating you about the head with a stick this minute.