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Of course this story is exaggerated, but without doubt the tower rose to a great height and was a wonderful piece of work. God was not pleased with what the people were doing, however, because they thought themselves so great and powerful that they had no need of Him, and so He put an end to their bold plans.

"We can go back now," he said to Farrell; "we may as well walk leisurely to the station; we can get a train" he pulled out his watch "in twenty minutes." Crane had made up his mind not to show himself at the bank that day. He wished to bold his discovery quite close within himself plan his course of action with habitual caution.

This bold rider was a young man whose sudden apparition in the quiet inland town had reminded some of the good people of a bright, curly-haired boy they had known some eight or ten years before as little Dick Venner.

Yet, with this strong excitement of mental and animal love, which generally animates man to eloquence, if not to beauty, a weary something, nearly like pain, marked the bold intruder, and a quiver, not like will and courage, went through his frame.

It is true, however, that though to accept an "opening" in an American mercantile house might be a bold, original, and in its consequences extremely agreeable thing to do, he did not quite see himself objectively doing it.

Sylvester Lovett, who was cashier in his father’s bank, always found his way to the tent on Saturday night. He took all the dances Lena Lingard would give him, and even grew bold enough to walk home with her.

"Boniface, who," says Villani, the Florentine chronicler, "was proud and scornful, and bold to attempt every great deed, magnanimous and puissant," replied by announcing the publication of a bull deposing the king from his throne and releasing his subjects from their allegiance.

Maria opened the door, and then wrinkled up her forehead and screwed up her lips in a supercilious smile. "Your mistress in!" said the doctor. "Yes, sir, in the drawing-room, sir." "Hah!" ejaculated the doctor. "Found him, sir? And brought him back!" cried a familiar voice; and Mrs Millett hurried into the hall. "O you bold, bad boy!" she cried. "How dare you?

"Nice, gentle, good women never attract you; you only care for bold " "Vivacious, coquettish, attractive little widows, like one I once knew," said the Colonel, laughing, as he carefully wiped his gray moustache. "You are really too absurd!" she exclaimed, sharply. "Do you mean to say I was ever bold?"

It was a spoliation, in one sense, as well as a needed reform, a daring and bold measure, which such statesmen as Lords Liverpool, Aberdeen, and Palmerston would have been slow to make, and the weak points of which Disraeli was not slow to assail. To the radical Dissenters, as led by Mr.