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You must have seen her; she was in Denning's box with her mother at 'La Bohème' last week." "And," added Denning, "she'll be with us again to-morrow night." "Oh," said Card, with indifference. "The dark one I remember tall yes, she's like her mother, devilish handsome. Must send that child some flowers, I suppose." Gard returned home, disgusted with himself.

"You are a blockhead!" exploded the younger man. "All right, I am." Courtlandt laughed. "Man, she wrote me that she would sing Monday and to-night, and wanted me to hear her. I couldn't get here in time for La Bohème, but I was building on Faust. And when she says a thing, she means it. As you said, she's Irish." "And I'm Dutch." "And the stubbornest Dutchman I ever met.

IV, 1567-1648 . For Bohemia: Ernest Denis, Fin de l'independance boheme, Vol. II , and, by the same author, La Boheme depuis la Montagne-Blanche, Vol.

Altogether, Tevkin seemed to be accounted one of the "has-beens" of the Ghetto One of the bits of information I squeezed out of the librarian was that Tevkin was a passionate frequenter of Yampolsky's café, a well-known gathering-place of the East Side Bohème I had heard a good deal about the resort.

But her house they need recommend no more, for she has sold it. Last spring, when I was in Paris, she told me she was about to do so. 'Ouf! I have lived with my nose to the grindstone long enough. I am going to "retire." What money she had saved from season to season, she explained, she had entrusted to her friend Baron C for speculation. 'He is a wizard, and so I am a rich woman. I shall have an income of something like three thousand pounds, mon cher! Oh, we will roll in it. I have had ten bad years ten hateful years. You don't know how I have hated it all, this business, this drudgery, this cut-and-dried, methodical existence moi, enfant de Bohème! But, enfin, it was obligatory. Now we will change all that. Nous reviendrons

We're hearing 'La Boheme." "Say Friday, then." Byrne's tone lacked enthusiasm, but Stewart in his after-dinner mood failed to notice it. "Have you thought any more about our conversation of the other night?" "What was that?" Stewart poked him playfully in the ribs. "Wake up, Byrne!" he said. "You remember well enough.

Brent put a world of meaning into the suggestion. "Very likely," said Ethel, picking up a score of Boheme and looking at it as if she saw it for the first time: all the while watching him through her half-closed eyes. Brent went to her. "Glad to see me?" he asked. "Why not?" "I am glad to see you." He bent over her. "More than glad." "Really?"

Ils ont beaucoup de crennequiniers. C'est ainsi qu'en Autriche et en Bohème on nomme ceux qu'en Hongrie on appelle archers. Leurs arcs sont semblables

Then we would drop down to "Carmen," "La Bohême," Hoffman's "Erzäblung," and think, "This is life!" Each night that we spared for a spree we sought out some beer-hall as unfrequented a one as possible, to get all the local color we could. Once Carl decided that, as long as we had come so far, I must get a glimpse of real European night-life it might startle me a bit, but would do no harm.

Coming out of the opera and driving through blowy, windy streets to the Waldorf, they took the table reserved for them, and Cowperwood, after consulting with regard to the dishes and ordering the wine, went back reminiscently to the music, which had been "La Boheme." The death of Mimi and the grief of Rodolph, as voiced by the splendid melodies of Puccini, interested him.