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And there at the steps you find every sort of boat you can imagine schooners, and punts, and row-boats, and little men-of-war. And you have any sort of boating you want to rowing, or sailing, or shoving about in a punt!" "I'd go sailing," she said decidedly: "and I'd steer. No, YOU'D have to steer, and I'd sit about on the deck.

I enjoyed my sea-side visits greatly, for I was passionately fond of boating and fishing and, before I was sixteen, had become a fearless and excellent swimmer. From morning till night, I was rambling about the beach, or either sailing upon or swimming in the beautiful Frith. I was a prime favourite among the fishermen, with most of whom I was on familiar terms, and knew them all by name.

It is certain that but for the fact of a mania for boating, and punting, and skating indulged in by several of his younger sons, Mr. Miller, in his energy for sweeping away all things old, and setting up all things new, would not have spared the Bath any more than he had spared the bowling-green.

When they were twenty or thirty yards down stream they turned and waved their paddles to the farmer, who was still standing in open-mouthed wonder beside the empty packing cases. Then a cross current, setting toward the right shore, whisked them out of sight of the spot. Randy struck up the chorus of a popular boating song, and the others joined in with eager voices.

"You might have let me known you'd want the gig yesterday," said the man, rather surlily; "I'd have left it out for you overnight." Had it been Bloomfield or Fairbairn, or any other of the boating heroes of Willoughby, Blades the boatman would have sung a very different song. But a boatman does not know anything about senior classics.

We need to arouse the whole country around here, including all people along the shores, on the islands and those boating up and down the river." "In other words, there must be some real broadcasting," Cub interpreted. "You bet you, and more than any amateur radio station in the country can do. Now, we've wasted too much time already. Come on; we've got to get started without any more delay."

Now it so happened that I was born a boating creature, just as decidedly as I was not born to be a cricketing creature, and such a question addressed to me was much as if one said to a young duck, "Would you like to go on the pond, or would you prefer being shut up in a cage?"

In vain did Mary and Hartfield urge Lesbia to join in their simple pleasures, their walks and rides and drives, and boating excursions. She always refused. 'You know I never cared much for roaming about these everlasting hills, she told Mary. 'I never had your passion for Lakeland. It is very good of you to wish to have me, but it is quite impossible.

Maurice said, briefly, that he "remembered"; "if she says Dale, I'm dished," he thought; aloud, he said that the river was growing impossible for boating; which caused them to drop the subject of the flopping girl, and talk about Mercer's increasing dinginess, at which Edith said, eagerly: "You ought to see our mountains no smoke there!"

The memory of that trip inhabited his mind, and he made his hero, David Balfour, when "Kidnapped" sail by the self-same islands and seas. Louis was persuaded by his boating friend, the following season, to embark with him on a canoe trip through Belgium; and the log of that tour became immortalised as An Inland Voyage, Stevenson's first book.