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In hereinafter setting forth at length and in detail the steps taken by me in making myself thin, or, let us say, thinner, I am patterning after the tasteful and benevolent examples of some of the most illustrious ex-fat men of letters in our country. Take Samuel G. Blythe now. Mr. Blythe is the present international bant-weight champion.

"The fact is that we were afraid you might complain of ennui, so we have stirred up a little excitement," explained Sam. "Truly, Mr. Blythe?" My friend looked at me appealingly and I came to the rescue. "Sailors are a queer lot. They often get notions that have to be knocked out of them. We'll try not to disturb you while we do the hammering, Miss Berry." A faint color washed back into her face.

"Done?" said Joseph, who had been sitting on the handle of the wheelbarrow, occasionally nodding and dozing in the pleasant sunlight. Miss Blythe arose languidly and gave him the promised sixpence. "You'm a wonner to read, you be, mum," he said, as he pocketed the coin. "I niver seed none on 'em goo at sich a pace as that. Sometimes my lord 'll look at one side of a noospaper for a hour together.

"Eh, my Lord William," an altered voice came from the door-step, where Dame Barbara MacKim, now clothed and in her right mind, stood louting low before the young Earl, "but this is a blythe and calamitatious day for this poor bit bigging o' the Carlinwark to think that your honour should visit his servants! Will you no come ben and sit doon in the house-place?

It was long-distance calling, and when I answered it said 'This is the telegraph Company's office in Charlottetown. There is an overseas cable for Dr. Blythe. "I thought of Shirley my heart stood still and then I heard him saying, 'It's from Holland. "The message was, 'Just arrived. Escaped from Germany. Quite well. Writing. James Blythe. "I didn't faint or fall or scream.

She's afraid he'll be wanting to go to sea later on and she doesn't want the notion encouraged in him. But what could I do, Mistress Blythe? I'd PROMISED him, and I think it's sorter real dastardly to break a promise you make to a child. Come, sit down. It won't take long to stay an hour."

Look at the colors that wood makes. If you'd like some driftwood for your fire, Mistress Blythe, I'll bring you up a load some day. Sit down. I'm going to make you a cup of tea." Captain Jim placed a chair for Anne, having first removed therefrom a huge, orange-colored cat and a newspaper. "Get down, Matey. The sofa is your place.

I've seen seventy-six New Years come in over that gulf yonder, Mistress Blythe." "You'll see a hundred," said Marshall Elliott. Captain Jim shook his head. "No; and I don't want to at least, I think I don't. Death grows friendlier as we grow older. Not that one of us really wants to die though, Marshall. Tennyson spoke truth when he said that. There's old Mrs. Wallace up at the Glen.

He turned uncomfortably to look at the stairway toward which she was motioning. And he did have the grace to look rather disconcerted when he saw Miss Blythe Modder approaching. He glanced quickly back to the woman he had come to see. Felicia stepped close to him. "I did not want you to come to my house," she began passionately.

Then, with a glance at the bit of plaster on my head: "He still wears a souvenir to remind him of it." "My little adventure at San Pedro. I always, credited you with that, captain. Thanks." "You're entirely welcome. More to follow," he smiled. "What are you allowing to do with your guest, Sedgwick?" asked Yeager. "We'll leave that to Blythe. I suppose we had better put him in irons and guard him.