United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But in the main the machinery for making spare parts is lacking and the skill required for its manufacture does not exist. Thus dependence on the outside world persists, and the blockade continues to do its deadly work of spreading hunger, demoralization and despair. The food question is intimately bound up with the question of industry.

On the very important question submitted to the Executive as to the necessity of recurring to other more effectual means for the suppression of a practice so destructive of the lives and property of our citizens, I have to observe that three expedients occur one by the pursuit of the offenders to the settled as well as the unsettled parts of the island from whence they issue, another by reprisal on the property of the inhabitants, and a third by the blockade of the ports of those islands.

I think we need not greatly wonder that some of the English people persist in attempting to run the blockade at the South, when some of our own citizens are indirectly concerned in the same occupation."

Vincent inaugurated and those of the Seven Years' War becomes all the more significant when we note that while Cornwallis and Gardner in home waters were pressing close blockade to its utmost limit of rigour, Nelson in the Mediterranean was not using it at all. Yet with him also the chief concern was to prevent an invasion.

"Under restrictions. That's all been seen to." At this point it appeared to Mr. Brewster that he had figured as a cipher quite long enough. "Am I right in assuming that you are talking of my party's departure?" he inquired. "Yes," said Sherwen. "The Dutch will let you through the blockade."

All the houses nearly are one-and two-story, made of thick walls of stone, plastered outside, square as a dry-goods box, flat as a floor on top, no cornices, whitewashed all over a crowded city of snowy tombs! And the streets are oriental some of them three feet wide, some six, but only two that are over a dozen; a man can blockade the most of them by extending his body across them.

The south and the west have no vessels, but they cannot refuse a willing subsidy to defray the expenses of the navy; for if the fleets of Europe were to blockade the ports of the south and the delta of the Mississippi, what would become of the rice of the Carolinas, the tobacco of Virginia, and the sugar and cotton which grow in the valley of the Mississippi?

Let maritime powers know that we will consent, if necessary, to cessions of territory or protectorates; that, in any case, we will grant them exceptional advantages if they protest against the blockade, if they disquiet our enemy, if they seek a quarrel with him and draw off his attention to fix it on, an eventual struggle with Europe.

Blockade whiskey, until recently, sold to the consumer at from $2.50 to $3.00 a gallon. The average yield is only two gallons to the bushel of corn. Two and a half gallons is all that can be got out of a bushel by blockaders' methods, even with the aid of a "thumpin'-chist," unless lye be added.

Camp Beauregard. Was my Oath binding? Resources of the Rebels. Cannon stolen. Manufactured. A Rifling Machine. Beauregard's Bells. Imported Cannon. Running Blockade. Silence of Southern Papers. Small Arms made. Altered. Abundant. Earnestness of all Classes. Imported Arms. England's Neutrality. Ammunition imported. Manufactured. Smuggled. A Railroad Episode. A Deserting Engineer.